Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Twice in a Week!

This time of year, it's unusual to have enough decent weather to ride more than one day a week.  After the last few weeks, I think everyone feels we're overdue for these warm days.
Shadow on the trail~
I didn't have to convince myself to go out again. With high winds due on Friday, cooler temps on Sat. & a much needed chance of rain next week, I had to take advantage.
Dirt work SE of the Park~
Happily, there were no side dumps moving today.  Work was continuing where the trail turns north.  The choice is to continue on a section considered part of the Wabash, or ride along E. Lake Manawa Drive. 
My route~
I took the trail, along the train tracks toward I-29 as I had on Monday, before turning back into the park.
My tire track from Monday~
As I turned to go around the gate of the old campground, it was impossible to miss the track made by Shadow's tires from my ride on Monday!  I knew I'd sunk in but had no idea the tires had gone so deep!  It was easy to stomp the track down.  Today, I didn't sink in at all with the wind drying things out.
The old campground~
Once I was over on the Indian Creek trail, I took the above photo of the campground on the east side of the creek.  There are still no signs, I hope the future of this property stays as is for a long while yet.
Shadow at the Indian Creek Bridge~
I'd fought wind all the way south on the west side of the park.  Our gusts were up to 20 mph & I was glad for the additional push from the electric motor.
At the south side~
Once I made the turn though, the wind wasn't nearly as strong.  The trees make a great windbreak.  None of the Eastern Red Cedar have berries yet.  There are male & female trees, so I'll have to wait to see what sex the one's we planted in the marsh are.  
Picnic Shelter~
The gates going to the shelter are still closed, I had the bench to myself.  It was a perfect afternoon to reflect on mother nature's beauty.  Sound though, does seem to carry across the lake.  More so in the winter months.  When I mentioned it to my friend Doris, she said since first moving to IA, she had noticed sound seemed to carry farther. I don't know why that would be, but it's an interesting observation.
Swans on the ice~
I was leaving park, when I couldn't help but notice the three snow white forms out on the ice.  I pulled into a small parking area & walked across the road to get the photo.  Such a beautiful scene, I wished for my camera with the zoom.  A perfect end to another beautiful day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Third Year, OTR~

 Congratulations to my husband on the safe completion of your third year of driving OTR!


Three years ago today, Butch received the keys to his first semi-truck. He had completed a month of training for CFI in Joplin, MO, then another month (10,457-miles) driving with a trainer.  He wasn't able to leave town on his first dispatch until the 27th, when the roads reopened.

2-24-2022 - Big Red~
Since that time, Butch has driven seven trucks.  Big Red, Ranger, Blue, Rebel, Traveler, Maverick & Maverick II.  Four Freightliners & two Volvos.  Big Red was the only Kenworth, a T-680.  Big Red's breakdown & lengthy repair precipitated the move to Blake Scott.
6-7-2022 - Ranger
In those three years, Butch has driven for four companies.  CFI, Blake Scott, Jacko & his current employer - Nationwide Transportation.  At Blake Scott, he drove four of those seven trucks.
9-8-2022 - Blue
Butch moved from Ranger to Blue August of 2022.  A newer truck, but with quite a few miles.  After several visits to the shop for repairs, he was given another truck to drive until a replacement could be purchased.  
12-2-2022 - Rebel~
He ended up driving Rebel on two different occasions & loved this truck.  The newest Freightliner he'd driven. He didn't have too long to wait though, when he was called back to Salt Lake City to pick out his next truck!  
2-8-2023 - Traveler with the new Blake Scott Logo~
December 16, 2022, Butch came home with Traveler.  He was driving Traveler when Blake Scott ran into difficulties & leased their last six trucks to Jacko out of Vancouver, WA.  Butch was the only driver Jacko hired, so he made the transition with Traveler.  It wasn't a good match. Butch was driving the west coast again.  He did make the most of it though & had several visits with our daughters & grandkids!  He wasn't getting home & when he did it would take forever for them to dispatch him back out.  Jacko had very little business that wasn't in the west.  Butch had driven Traveler 96,888 when he handed the keys to Jacko October 24th, 2023.   
10-31-2023 Maverick~
Butch had applied at Nationwide during his home time, mid-October.  He was hired & was leaving on his first dispatch the end of the month, driving his first Volvo.  At first, he wasn't sure he liked the truck, but after a while, the roomy interior won him over. 
2-1-2025 Maverick II - days before the breakdown~
January 11, 2025, Butch took the keys of a brand-new Volvo with 21 miles on the odometer.  February 5th, the truck was towed to McMahon Truck Center in Cincinatti, OH, for warranty engine replacement.  The odometer read 7,460 miles.
Returning to Omaha, Butch was given his original Volvo, Maverick to drive until the new truck is repaired.  As of today, Butch has driven this semi 159,798 miles!  The last three years he's driven a total of 377,906 safe miles!  I miss him more every year he's been away & look forward to having him home again one day soon...

Monday, February 24, 2025

Gorgeous February Day~

 I hadn't been out for a ride since the second of the month.  The last day that was warm enough for me to want to ride.  After that day, we endured a long & bitter cold snap.  We received a few inches of badly needed snow that stayed frozen to the ground.  On the 22nd we reached the mid-30's & the following day, the temperature climbed into the mid-50's.  The snow began to melt off. 

On my way~
Today, the sun was shining & the welcome warmth made headway over the snow.  I decided to make the drive to Lake Manawa & take my chances with the condition of the trails.  I was really surprised to find that for the most part, they were dry!

Mid-American coal plant
I rode out toward I-29 before continuing my loop.  It seemed to be several degrees warmer out in the open.  Side dump trucks were running non-stop along E. Lake Manawa Drive & entering off Veterans Memorial Highway.  The noise was incredible.  At the light my timing was so poor, I had a semi's coming from all three directions.  I waited for the light, made sure all three drivers had seen me & crossed as fast as I could!
Cottonwood & the lake~
It was a relief to reach the gate of the campground & get away from the traffic.  As I went to ride around, I could feel Shadow's tires sink into the soft ground.  It was much softer than I'd expected.  I managed to stay upright & cross through to the paving.
Lake from the South trail~
Riding along the south side of the lake, it's nice to get a partial view through the trees.  Once the leaves open, the view is gone.  I rode past where the Bronco was parked & on to the turnoff going to Picnic spot #7.
Toward the lake~
This trail curves its way through the most natural area left in the park.  There's still a tent camping spot to the left.  Ahead & to the right, is one smaller development of homes with a waterway to the lake.
The view~
I was lucky to be the only one here.  It's my favorite time of year to ride, when there are so few people.  Later in the season, the picnic shelter is available for parties etc. & is almost always a busy place.  I was just happy to out again & able to enjoy every minute of the rapidly lengthening daylight hours.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Another Bitter Cold February~

 It's strange how when I think of the month of February, I always seem to remember more mild days than cold ones! I conveniently forget the days of bitter, record-breaking cold that usually dominate the month!

4:08 p.m. 2-12-25
Butch had been home & was gone again, driving on his birthday.  Wednesday, in the early dawn hours, our first real snowstorm of the winter season blew in.  It deposited about 4" of incredibly beautiful powder snow.  It was also incredibly cold.  We were in the negative digits & only warmed into the single digits.  We received about three 1/2" dustings of snow on top of the original 4".  Shoveling it was a breeze.
10:44 a.m. 2-12-2025 
When I went out back to blow the walkway, for at least the second time, I saw a black spot up in one of the trees along the edge of the woods.  I used my little Canon with the zoom lens to capture the photo above.  I've named him Blackie!  We probably have Blackie I, II & III at least, but who's counting?
11:52 a.m. 2-13-2025
Sunshine the following day made it seem less cold.  I went out to blow the walks again & pretended it was as warm as it looked.  The weatherman said the following days would be even colder.  When I could no longer feel my fingers through two sets of gloves, I'd just finished.
Valentine's day, 4:48 p.m. Tinkle Branch Trail~
Finn & I usually take our walks in the afternoon.  Once the temperatures dropped to single digits, we decided sitting in front of the fireplace would work for us!  We're both missing the walks we've found good days for in prior years.
2-19-2025, 9:51 a.m. 
This morning, we broke the record low temperature going back over 100-years.  Finn has amazed me with his toughness!  He goes out every day & sits in the sun on the deck for at least a few minutes - no matter how cold it is!  Yesterday afternoon we took our walk & ended up at the Cabin.  The heaters were keeping the chill out of the air.
The fifth day of record cold~
The sunshine is wonderful, but I'm ready for some warming!  I finished my latch hook project & my germanium starts are ready to go in pots.  The mother plants are taking up all the window space in the craft room.  Besides taking a few cuttings, I haven't cut them completely back yet, experimenting to see how they do.
A little bloom!
Butch came through today; Finn & I drove up to Sapp Brothers.  Finn started talking the minute we took the exit ramp!  He acted as guard dog in the warm semi while Butch & I had lunch.  Now, Butch is on his way to IN & Finn & I are looking forward to the much-anticipated warmer weather!

Friday, February 14, 2025


February fifth, I received a text from Butch with the following photo attached.  I could hardly believe what I was seeing!  

2-5-2025 Maverick II gets towed~
 Butch had been at Pixelle in Chillicothe, OH picking up a load of paper to be delivered in Columbus Kansas.  From there, he was heading home for our birthday's.  He'd hooked the loaded trailer & was doing a final inspection when he noticed oil pouring from under the semi!  Pouring was the word he used!

Maverick II, ready to be towed~
Butch put in a call to Nationwide.  Since the truck was brand new & under warranty, the tow truck was called.  It would be hauled to McMahon Truck Center in Columbus, OH. 
Arriving in the tow truck at McMahon~
Butch arrived early afternoon.  He was hoping it would be a simple fix, maybe an oil pan gasket etc.  He'd had no warning at all that anything had been wrong.  Nationwide made him a reservation at a local Comfort Inn.  He grabbed his small bag & called an uber. 
2-6-2025 Comfort Inn, Columbus, OH
 The following morning, the news was not good.  Whatever repair was needed, parts would have to be ordered etc.  Nationwide found Butch a ride back to Omaha, with a driver he'd picked up a few weeks ago, who needed a ride to Chicago.
Frank coming up the street~
As Butch described it, he was a passenger princess all the way back to Omaha!  He hadn't taken anything out of Maverick II, not expecting the repair to last any length of time, or to be sent back this way.  Frank was on a schedule, so there was no time to pick up any personal belongings.

I asked Butch if there would be a truck for him here & he replied "yes".  Frank dropped Butch off at Nationwide & there was Maverick - waiting for him!  I'd asked him if there were any chance his original truck would still be there?  Well, it was! 
2-7-2025 Maverick!  The original!
 It didn't take him long to be on the road for home!  I don't think I've ever been happier to recognize the big blue truck coming down the street!  He'd made it home several days ahead of what we'd scheduled but earlier is always better than later!  Part of the reason it's so hard to make reservations for anything...

2-7-2025 Maverick back home~
I know this truck was happy to be back home.  I was very happy to have the driver back safely home!  Butch was here for three full days, before going back on the road Tuesday morning the 11th.  We'd had to pick up a new sleeping bag etc. for the trip back east. 

Nationwide dispatched him back to OH & within 40-miles of Columbus.  He made his delivery, then drove to McMahon to check on the 24 Volvo.  Word is - the crank shaft destroyed the engine.
2-13 View inside Maverick II~
  Butch moved all of his personal belongings back into Maverick.  He'd been traveling without a microwave, his GPS, etc.  All his food was destroyed, since the truck hadn't been plugged into power.

He & Maverick are back on the road & as of last night, he was putting things away - again...   

Sunday, February 2, 2025

First Ride of February~

 As the calendar page flips up to a new month, we've had a couple days of incredible temperatures for the time of year.  The day started out sunny, but by mid-morning the clouds had drifted in.  The temperature hovered in the upper 50's - pretty strange for February.

The Bronco & Shadow~
With colder weather in the forecast this coming week, I decided to take advantage of a warmer day with very little wind.  I'm thankful every time I make the drive, that Lake Manawa is a short distance from home.  I expected it to be busy on a Sunday but there were only a couple cars in the lot where I usually park.

On the trail~
I'm still surprised at how quickly a sunshine day can turn dark gray & gloomy.  The air was so fresh though & even without moisture, was relatively free from dust.
Indian Creek~
The heavy cloud cover was deceiving, it almost looked like rain, but I knew it was too dry for that.  It's so dry I have the humidifier going full time in the house.  
North end of the lake, looking south~
The water is still covered in ice, but not as thick as it was last week.  There was meltwater in many places.  The geese were happy to have some areas of open water.  It looks cold but really wasn't.  I did keep on both my coat & vest for the entire ride.
Picnic Shelter #7
I rode out the west side trail - again - to the underpass, before continuing on my usual full loop.  I only saw three other riders. Traffic was heavy on Veterans Memorial Hwy as usual & I was happy to get away from that section of the trail.
Looking NW across at Council Bluffs~
I stopped at the south boat launch & watched as people a short way down the shore walked way out on the ice. Not a chance I'd want to take with water on the surface.  

Even with my sunglasses on, my eyes are burning & red from the dry air by the time I get back to the Bronco.  This time of the year, I appreciate any day I can get out & enjoy a ride.  The weather forecast is for colder & windy conditions into the middle of the month.