Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, October 7, 2024

Fall Beauty & Dust~

 Today was, or could have been a ten day, if we'd had any moisture.  Temperatures in the 60's & a light breeze.  With two nights in a row of 38 for a low, the leaves are turning.  Far from over my allergies, I still wanted to ride.

North from Silver City~
I put in a call to Mari Jo.  She said the dust was awful & the biting bugs were a little better.  Thinking of where I could avoid the most dust, I decided to ride north from Silver City to the Lookout.  The first mile of concrete is where we walk the dogs in the winter months.  
Grade B road~
This section has some of the most beautiful views.  Above is the road Farah & I used to reach the trails.  It always makes me sad when I think of the fun we had galloping along it.  The uphill grades are much easier when I can shift Shadow's motor on.
Private pond~
Just beyond the covered bench rest area, there was a narrow break in the shrubbery along the trail.  I walked in a few feet to get the above photo.  The pond was almost impossible to see before the corn was harvested.
Curtain of oranges~
Just a short way past the pond is the crest of the climb between Silver City & Mineola.  From there on, two miles of downhill to the Mineola trailhead.  Only one car there, I didn't stop until I reached the bridge over Keg Creek.
Keg Creek~
I took a long drink, put a cough drop in my mouth & continued.  My goal was what I call the "Lookout" about 3-miles south of Council Bluffs.  Many of the trees were turning & without as many field & road crossings, the air was almost fresh.
This road though, stopped me in my track, literally. There's a rise up to the road, I could see there was fresh gravel.  It wasn't until Shadows tires grabbed, I realized how much gravel & how thick it was.  It was sheer luck I didn't lose control.
Another climb to Margaritaville.  No one there, such a nice quite day on the trail, I was glad I'd decided on this section.  I passed Dumfries & got through the underpass where mud had stopped me my last visit.  There had been a section of the hill badly washed out on the far side of the underpass.  Large rock had been added to the hillside.  Hopefully enough to keep it from happening again.
The Lookout~
The Lookout covered bench comes up quickly.  I pulled off & took my break.  I'd covered 8:68-miles in an hour flat.  Just a little farther than it is from Silver City to the Arch in Malvern.  The two good climbs take longer though.  When I rode Smokey, it was much harder ride.
Heading back south~
I enjoyed the almost absolute quiet of the afternoon.  Just the sound of a jet somewhere far away to break the stillness.
View across at Mineola~
This is called the "Old Goat" area & has seen many improvements, as has most of this section of trail.  It's used for the Thursday night Taco Rides from Council Bluffs to Tobey Jacks in Mineola.  Definitely a party ride.

For me, enjoying the downhill glides are second only to the views of the countryside.  Less than two miles farther & I was back at Mineola with four miles to go to reach the Explorer parked by Happy Trails in Silver City.  
New picnic area at the Mineola Trailhead~
All the new tables, firepits etc. have been added improvements over the past year or so.  Riders coming south from Council Bluffs use this section of trail.  It can be a busy place weekends, or when special events are held. 

One more uphill, then one more downhill & I was back at the Explorer.  My total ride time was 1:46 for the 17.34 miles.  (I turn the Garmin off for my mid-way break, but otherwise have started leaving it on when I stop for photos etc.)  As I dismounted & looked at Shadow, I realized how covered with limestone dust I was!
A dusty bike~
Back in Glenwood, the car wash was my next stop.  The Explorer is covered with a layer of dust constantly from the sewer construction.  Our neighborhood has gone from the green of beautiful lawns to a dust bowl of dirt.  I had a bad coughing spell at the car wash & another when I got home.  The trail dust on top of the dust here was more than I should have taken on.  
I can only go out at home, once the work in the street stops for the day.  Thankfully, they have kept one street closed to through traffic, so the dust from cars is minimal.  I wear my mask when I go out to water.  No fun for me!  Even so, I sure enjoyed a beautiful ride! The weather forecaster is saying we're on track to break the record for the driest September & October on record.

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