Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

 A perfect day, one of the finest this year.  If only they could all be this way with an occasional day of mild rain.  With the trail wet again from the last snow, I drove back up to the lake.

Road, trail~
For a midweek day, I wasn't surprised to see a few more people out enjoying the weather than usual.  Butch had been home over the weekend, then flown out yesterday, to Columbus, OH.  He didn't enjoy his day of airline travel & didn't pick up Maverick II until almost 8 p.m. Today, he's back on the road with only a sleeping bag & what he could put in a suitcase.  The hope is that he'll be dispatched back to Nationwide before too long, to pick up his gear from Maverick.  Moving from one semi to another is never fun & always time consuming.

MidAmerican through the trees~
I couldn't let the streak of good weather pass me by, without getting in a ride.  After two weeks of being sidelined by the weather from our Wednesday morning mat making, today we were all happy to be socializing again.  I'd dropped Finn with Doris in the morning & after lunch was on my way.
Train underpass
I rode out the east side of the park, then turned back, before continuing my loop.  A really nice young guy about our Grandson Ben's age gave me a warm "Hi" a big smile & wave as we passed each other.  It made my day.  
Going south, west side of the park~
Two H.S. girls were walking the trail as I passed.  It's such a long stretch; I admired their fortitude.  I crossed the bridge & enjoyed the beautiful south side of the park.  I passed the Bronco heading east & continued on, to my favorite trail to the lake.
Shadow on the trail~
This trail is about a mile, to reach the lake's south shore.  I had my usual break spot to myself. I enjoy it more each time this happens, as each could be the last for the season. 
Clouds moving across the sky~
Cloud cover started moving in from the west, creating a hazy look to the afternoon.  The lake is free of ice for this winter & small waves were lapping the shoreline.  A few birds were out enjoying all the open water.
Shadow patiently waits~
Heading back, the two girls I'd seen on the Indian creek trail were approaching me from the west.  I slowed to ask them how far they'd planned to walk?  They laughed & said they were finishing off six miles! 

I have a H.S. school friend in CO who walked over nine miles the other day.  I continue to be impressed at her accomplishments!  Back just a few years ago, I could easily hike that far & often walked alongside Farah, but no more.  (I had to maintain at least a 3.5 mph pace, or she would push me with her nose!)  Accumulated injuries have sidelined several of my pursuits.  That said, I'm thankful I can balance a bike!  I had no idea originally, how important to my continued enjoyment of the great outdoors, bike riding would become.

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