March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, February 7, 2022

Sun & Muck~

 Sunny, high 50's & not a lot of wind.  This - after days of freezing temperatures.  Mari Jo thought the trail surface was still frozen enough for a ride.  We were only out a short distance, when we came to the first of the soft spots.

Mari Jo & the bikes~
After getting around it, the trail dried out again, but not for long...  We felt committed at that point to continue on the four miles to the trestle.
Beaver's now have two dams'
It was totally a beautiful day - February?!  Nothing like last year!  We've had hardly two snow events, not enough to even call true storms, at least when it comes to inches of white stuff.  It has been cold enough to keep the remnants of the last snow, on the ground for days & days.
Upstream, Silver Creek~
It's easy to see from the solid sheet of ice still on the creek, it has been cold.  Even with the cold though, we've had a handful of days so nice & warm it could be spring.
Limestone on the tires~
On a few of the soft, boggy spots, I took the center of the trail, where there was still a layer of ice.  The ice was easier to get across than the slippery limestone.  We took the very edges of the trail wherever possible.  Our tracks sunk in about a half-inch in a few spots. It really wasn't much fun.  We need a few days of wind - which is expected - to dry it out.  

Back in Glenwood, I drove to the car wash to clean both the Explorer & the bike, covered in limestone & with muck on the tires.  It's been so generally dry; we're constantly warned of the fire danger.  Unheard of for this time of year...


  1. Connie, I wrote a blog post for you today, cuz you are the queen of this information. Jazrada in point.

    1. I will have to do another post on her one day. I have the most beautiful hand braided bracelet from her tail feathers.


Always Welcome~