March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, February 13, 2023

Battling Wind - Soaking in Sunshine!

 Lucky for me - it was a strikingly beautiful day!  The weatherman is promising rain for tomorrow & snow mid-week, so I had more than enough excuses to get out!  

East side of the park, southbound~
I'd parked at the Wabash Trail Head parking.  Once I was out on the access trail - the wind was Brutal!  It was all I could do to make any headway at all.  A coal train was going across the underpass, heading for the Mid-America plant.
Finally away from the wind~
There doesn't seem to be a name for the section of connecting trail that brings me to E. Manawa drive from the Wabash Trace.  Thankfully the wind was at my back as I rode along E. Manawa drive.  A big improvement!  I took the usual route through the old campground too.  I didn't see any wildlife, but it's always fun to ride around.
Mid-American ~
Even from a distance, the level of the lake & the inlet are so low.  
Break from the wind!
It was a struggle to reach the bridge over Indian Creek!  The wind was still a steady blow out of the south.  I wanted to stop a couple times, but I knew if I did, it would be hard to re-gain the small amount of  momentum I had.  Finally, after what seemed forever, I made it to the bridge.  From there on, I'd be away from the worst of the wind.
A road winds through it~
Even though I saw more people than normally on a Monday, the road through the Park was quiet.  Just an occassional car.  The layout of the Park is so nice, I just wish there were more of it!
Smokey on the trail to my rest spot!
The day had really warmed up.  I was about to take my vest off, but was glad I didn't when I got back into the shade of the trees.  Once at the picnic area, the sunshine definately felt warm!  (The weatherman said we'd reached 62 degrees!)
Smokey & lake ice~
The combination of water, ice & sky was so striking.  Smokey had to pose for a photo or two.  He's much easier to photograph than a horse! :-)  

When I got home, it was still warm enough, I washed the mud off my tires.  I hope the weatherman is right & we see some of the much-anticipated rain that's due for tomorrow!  

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