March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Rollin' - Eighteen to Two!

 Butch pulled in on Wednesday - just before noon!  (This was Butch's first-time arriving home without Nika here to greet him...  Very tough for us both...) I'd just returned from mat-making.  As he walked in the door he asked if I was ready to ride?  I mentioned I'd thought of going up to the Lake if the weather cooperated.  It had & we did!

Traveler - Home!
Butch had driven in from Henderson, NE.  He'd hoped to make it home Tuesday night, but the condition of the roads in WY had taken a chunk of his drive time.  He was at 643-miles when he called.  Home safe & sound on Wed. sounded better than having him push through the remaining miles.  He would have Wed. night at home, before leaving Thursday morning to deliver in Carthage.
Butch rolling on two wheels! :-)
We'd no more than gotten the bikes off the rack, before Butch was off warming up his bike!  It was chilly - but the sunshine made it feel warmer.  This was his first-time riding with the new fenders he'd installed & they fit perfect.  
Butch enjoying sunshine!
I had to take him to my favorite spot on the lake for our break.  It was wonderful to just sit together & enjoy the sunshine & view.  Now, when I call him from here, he'll know right where I am!
Ice on the water~
There were no fishermen today, but two Eagles were out on the ice, taking advantage of having the lake & the fishing to themselves!  
Not only are the day's getting longer, but the shadows of late afternoon last longer.  We did run into a headwind traveling south on the east side of the lake, along Indian Creek.  Butch was amazed at how low the creek was, even though I've been telling him!
The bikes take a break~
It wasn't just the bikes that needed a break!  The wind up that stretch was brutal.
Another feather find!
We were just leaving our bench by the lake - when I looked down to find another feather laying on the ground!  I've looked - but so far haven't identified what bird may have lost it.  I did send a request for an I.D. to the naturalist at Pony Creek.  Butch said, "It's from a "duck"!  If it does end up being a duck feather, I'll never live it down!  
2-9-23 Butch backing into the Cabin's drive~
Butch left again very early Thursday morning & was unloaded & deadheading back home by 1 p.m.  Traveler pulled in just after 6 p.m.  The round-trip was 644-miles in 9:19!  I had dinner waiting!  This visit - he has three whole days at home!

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