March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Welcome Break ~

 We received a taste of what the southern part of the country has been enduring.  Our humidity added to the intense heat. Everything had been so green, after the nice rains we'd received in July. It was like a switch had been flipped.  Last Saturday, the 19th felt like someone had turned on the furnace. I spent as much time as I could stand, outside watering.

"Feels like" - Start of the heat~
It was an uncomfortable week at the least & miserable at the worst.  We had a Garden Club meeting on Monday & even with the heat, there was a great turnout, super presentation & we all enjoyed getting together. As the week went on, every day was hotter than the last. Our morning "low" on the 22nd, broke the record - at 80 degrees.

Yesterday, it was such a relief when the heat dissipated. There was the short spatter of rain early in the a.m., enough to raise the humidity.  In spite of that - it was a stunning summer day.  I spent the afternoon mowing the marsh, the one place that stays green without watering.  It has the perfect combination of shade, rich soil & a low elevation on the hill.  

With the cooler weekend forecast - today I was ready to get Smokey on the trail.  After lunch I drove to Silver City, enjoying all the wonderful smooth, new blacktop!
Field of Soybeans~
As the afternoon progressed, the day did heat up into the mid-80's.  I was thankful for the little bit of breeze from time to time.
Welcome shade~
When I reach the heavily shaded sections of trail, where the Walnuts stand tall, the temperature always seems to drop a couple of degrees.
At the park~
The puffy white clouds floating by on the clear blue sky, only accentuated the feeling of a late August afternoon.  Leaving Malvern, the sunflowers growing along the area that had been burned, were in full bloom!  Blazing spots of yellow amidst green foliage.
Standout Sunflowers!
I had again, to my surprise, made really good time on the ride. Every time I ride off the concrete & onto the gravel, the old dead tree below greets me.  I wonder how many more windstorms it will withstand - hopefully a lot.

One of many dead trees~
Butch scheduled home time for Friday over a month ago.  Tuesday the 15th his reset was cut short at 15-hours.  He was told to go ahead & deliver a day early to Kent.  When he arrived, there was a four hour wait to be unloaded.  With his 70-hour clock expired, he was driving on recaps - by way of Port Angeles, Sacramento & Denver.  From Denver, he delivered to North Platte, picked up an empty & made it home!
Butch & Traveler, happy to be home!
His time away from home, always seems to stretch forever, but time at home flies by.  It's always a relief to see Traveler coming down the street! The "Honey Do" list isn't too long & we appreciate our time together more than ever!  

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