March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Another Fine Day~

 Our summer has been hotter & drier than usual - our temperatures were 1.5 degrees higher than average.  Along with the heat, it was drier too, as our drought status concludes its third year. I have missed the rain, that's for sure!   

It had been almost a week since my last ride.  I've been busy at home.  Our outside water spigot broke a week ago.  Thankfully we had a brass fitting that allowed us to turn the water off until repairs could be made.  While the plumbers were here, we had them add a spicket on the back of the house & an interior main shut-off valve.  

After mat making this morning, I came home for a quick lunch before loading Smokey.  Once in Silver City, I'm always anxious to get out on the trail.  

Soybeans - turning yellow~
The Soybeans too, are feeling the effects of the combination of heat & a lack of moisture. It won't be long until they will be harvested.  It is beautiful to see the acres of gold against the blue skies.
Smokey under the arch in Malvern~
I was glad I'd decided to ride into Malvern, when I saw the Clematis on the arch was in full bloom!  It's so beautiful & one of the last to flower.  I decided to push myself on this ride & made my best time of the year.  
Smokey takes all the credit~
Of course, I couldn't do it without Smokey's smooth running! :-)  I really do enjoy riding this bike more than any other I've had.  It's not as fast as a road bike would be, but it handles the limestone trail with relative ease.  As of this ride, Smokey's miles since his purchase in November of 2021 total 1,338.  I'm a little odd I know, keeping track of bike miles - but it's something I've done since purchasing my first Garmin 2010.  

I remember how excited we were in those days - to have an accurate accounting of the miles we'd ridden our horses.  The feature I've always enjoyed most, is the ability to download the information & produce a map overlaid on Google Earth, of our route on the computer!
Silver Creek from the Trestle, upstream~
It was a beautiful, quiet day on the trail.  The squirrels are the busiest of all the small critters, collecting the walnuts & burying them everywhere.  The trail has become the yearly walnut obstacle course, but this year hasn't been one of heavy production, thankfully.
The "run-a-way" pansies~
Back at Happy Trails, Mari Jo's pansies have about run away with her step!  Each year they seem to double in size.  There's one growing out in the street!
I'm appreciating every one of these wonderful days, both at home & on the trail.  The sun is setting a little earlier each day & before long we'll be into fall!

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