Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Warming Up~

 The temperatures are moving up into the 80's.  We've also shifted from the dryest May on record last year - to the wettest May on record - this year.  Quite a difference & a welcome one after three years of drought.  Tinkle Branch creek actually scoured some of the grass along the edges of the bank with the last storm.

The corn is growing!
Another Wednesday afternoon & as usual, I was ready for a ride.  As the month of May comes to a close, the days continue to warm.  I'm continuing to acclimatize, at least I hope so!  Working around home I work up more of a sweat than I usually do riding.  Shadow makes a nice breeze, which helps.
Lush greens~
The Walnuts, one of the last trees to leaf out, are finally contributing to the shade on the trail!  There were more people on the trail today than I'd expected for a mid-week afternoon.  I'd dropped Finnigan off with Doris.  The two of them really enjoy their time together.
Approach to the Silver Creek Trestle~
I've now discovered the downside to the new deck planking.  It's black & the surface absolutely absorbs & radiates a tremendous amount of heat! I doubt there will be as many riders stopping here for their break when it's a sunny day!
More lush greens~
I still can't get over how quickly the country can go from the barren browns of the winter months to the incredible greens of spring & summer!  Almost an ocean of greens.  When the wind is blowing, the undergrowth & trees provide a wave like action too.
The Trestle~
At least the crews left enough of the larger tree cover to shade the approach to the bridge, which is where I usually stop anyway.  I rode on into Malvern, did the usual town loop & stopped at the pond.  Troy was mowing & we chatted for a few minutes.  I called Butch too.  By the time I was ready to leave, it was later than usual.  
Silver Creek - downstream~
Here too, the scouring of the banks from our big rainstorm is plain to see, along with the silt turning the water so brown.  Obviously, this creek wasn't named after a storm!
Heading back - Upstream~
It would have been interesting to be out here during the height of the flow!  From this point on, I decided to open Shadow up a little.  I used the PAS system & gears to speed up to 15-16 mph.  I still wasn't using the fastest setting, but the sport mode was fun.  I was only a few minutes late returning to pick up Finn.  He usually knows when to expect me & is waiting by the storm door.  Another beautiful day's ride~

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