Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, May 31, 2024

55th Class Reunion - Greenfield~

 It had already been five years since our 50th Greenfield Class Reunion.  We had planned to meet again this weekend at the Greenfield Country Club.  Sadly, since our plans had been made, the town was struck by a horrific  F4 tornado on May 22nd. 

Greenfield Country Club~
The class as a group, decided instead of a catered luncheon; we would donate those funds to the Greater Greenfield Community Foundation.  We had arranged to meet at the Greenfield Country Club.  Thankfully the Club & golf course had been spared.
Beautiful views~
I drove over in rain for about the first forty miles.  By the time I reached Griswold, the rain had stopped, but the cloud cover remained.  The road check points had been removed since our trip last week & the driveway to the club was just before that point on Hwy 92 anyway.
Snacks & water had been provided.  It took me a while to recognize my classmates.  After all, it had been another five years!  We lost one member to the tornado & our group has been diminished by the loss of 4 others since our 50th.
Doug Armstrong, Connie & my fraternal Cousin Larry Glade~
Doug & I had been childhood friends, living just a couple blocks apart. Larry is the middle son of my dad's oldest sister my Aunt Evelyn.  His wife Patty was one of my best friends.  (Another best friend - Susan Williams was unable to attend.) 
Our group photo~
I think there were five others who were unable to make the trip & we missed them.  The afternoon conversations centered around the tornado; lives lost & damage to almost 200 homes.  

We held a business meeting, deciding to liquidate our bank account & donate that money to the GGCF.  Four of the Greenfield Firemen lost their homes to the tornado.  We donated another portion of the money to the Fire Department & another to the school district.  
When we were oh so young!
After I left, I stopped at my favorite store, Ed & Eva's, in the Opera House, on the square.  I found another handmade metal butterfly for the yard.
The Explorer in front of Ed & Eva's~
Everyone agreed, what a blessing it was the town square & historic buildings there were spared.  
Adair County Courthouse~
The majority of my early childhood memories are associated with this Midwest town.  Returning here is always like returning home.  Being recognized by name & associated with members of my family, is always an honor.

Our class has decided with the current attrition rate, our next gathering will be in three years, instead of five.  Same time, same place!  I look forward to it & I hope we're all still around to attend!

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