Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, August 30, 2024

Last Ride of August~

 Another cooler day!  It had ready been ten-days since my last ride!  I've been working almost non-stop to try to get the marsh & woods back in shape after a month.  I wanted to get in one more ride in August. I stopped by Happy Trails & caught up with Mari Jo before leaving.  I'd forgotten my Garmin - my left wrist felt empty.  Shadow's computer at least keeps track of the miles too.

Mari Jo's Pansey's are running everywhere.
I decided - as I usually do - on my regular route to Malvern.  I like having a nice spot to take a short break halfway through the ride.  Green is still the predominate color, no leaves turning yet.
Wild grapes growing over everything~
The wild grapes are overrunning everything they can climb on.  This includes the property line in the woods between our place & the neighbors to the north.  I had to cut back vines running over seven feet onto our side.
Beaver dam~
The beavers have returned & been busy working on their dam.  It's increased in size from last year.  I didn't feel quite up to par today, so took my time getting to the park.

Boehner Pond~
The afternoon was just stellar for the end of summer coming up fast.  I won't be sorry to see it go!  It wasn't an easy one for me with the damage to my knee when I clumsily fell from the car.  The knee still isn't 100% & let me know it today.
Wabash Landing to be~
Returning north, I stopped to take a photo of all the land cleared at the edge of Malvern.  This area will soon be covered with houses.
Iowa Views~
Not a lot further though, I was back to quintessential Iowa views.  The yellows of the Hairy Sunflowers & Goldenrod so bright against the greens. 
By the time I returned to the Explorer, there were several cars in the small parking area.  More riders leaving on the trail.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Six weeks, four days~

 It seemed like it had been forever since I'd had my bike out on the trail!  My last ride had been with Butch at Lake Manawa on July 5th, the day before my accident.  I'd recovered & could walk just well enough to leave on our trip to WA August 7th.  

Just south of Silver City~
We returned on Sunday the 18th.  Butch left early Monday morning, but a couple hours later I heard the front door open!  He'd picked up a trailer & gone to his pickup in Omaha, only to be told the load wouldn't be ready until Tue. at 6 a.m.  We were sitting out with lattes when another text came in, the trailer was loaded!  So, for a second time, he was again on his way.  I spent the rest of the day on Monday doing laundry & cleaning house.  Neither of which are my favorites.  

Tuesday dawned with heavy cloud cover & a light rain before noon.  It wasn't enough to register on the rain gauge.  I'd planned to get my bike out & hoped that Silver City hadn't received any more rain than we had. I dropped Finn with Doris; they were both happy to see each other.
Tree broken~
A cool & cloudy day is rare for August, the rain had been just enough to settle the dust on the trail.  Leaving from Happy Trails, I told Mari Jo I might only make it to the trestle.  I was a little worried about how well my legs would hold up.  First the injury & secondly after the long drive & little exercise.  Once I was pedaling & warmed up, my legs were fine.  (I'd taken my first steps without limping on Thursday the 15th.)
The Walnut Cathedral~
The trail seemed so rich & green after days of traveling across the dry west.  Grandson Ben, looking at pictures, had mentioned how green everything was here & he was right!  After a bumper crop of walnuts last year, the trees have produced just a few this season.  I'm not complaining!
Shadow on the Trestle~
Only two riders passed me the entire way to Malvern.  No one going my direction.  Very quiet & beautiful, with just a little breeze.  A perfect day.
Silver Creek from the Trestle~
The river had gone down since my last visit several weeks ago, but still had more water than during the months prior.
New maintenance shop~
I was surprised to see a new building going up by the Depot in Malvern.  I asked Mari Jo about it when I returned to Happy Trails.  She said it's to be a maintenance shop with storage space for trail equipment. 
Boehner Pond~
The pond was the most beautiful it's been in forever.  With all the rain, the cattails have taken over what had been a strip of mud along the low water line.  The geese were gone, thankfully.  They leave such an awful mess on the sidewalk around the pond.  The heavy equipment doing dirt work on the new housing project ruined the quiet of the little park.  

I made my usual call to Butch when I took my rest break at the pond.  After being together on our trip, for the longest in a very long while, it's an adjustment to have him back on the road.
Little Blue flowers~
Where the grass was longer, these little blooms were everywhere.  I hadn't seen them before, but I love the color.
Hairy Sunflowers~
It's the time of year when the last of the flowers are blooming.  I enjoyed seeing the bright yellow of the hairy Sunflowers along the trail.  They too, have enjoyed our wetter than usual summer.
Shadow, almost back to Silver City~
The afternoon was looking more & more like rain as I returned north toward Silver City.  Only a few drops fell by the time I reached Happy Trails.  It was good to catch up with Mari Jo.  She gave me two of the largest most wonderful looking tomatoes I've seen this season!  The shop was busy this summer with Ragbrai & the Rooster Tail rides.  We're both hoping for a nice, long, cool fall so we can enjoy more riding.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Last Day on Camano Island ~

 It was another cloudy morning.  Butch went to the bakery & picked up cinnamon rolls, coffee & tea for our breakfast.  While he was gone, Finn & I took a walk around the little park.  It was another perfect western, WA morning.  I admired the huge western red cedars at the top of the hill.  The names of the native plants came to mind automatically.  I've missed them.   

View from the Lodge~
When Butch returned, we sat in the camper & admired the view out the window.  Ben texted that he & Jentry were on their way.  We packed up our things & loaded the Explorer, just finishing as Ben & Jentry pulled in.  The trailer was hitched in no time.  The girls were waiting at Jentry's.  Butch helped Jentry get the trailer parked.  

Skyla had picked up the string she needed for her violin.  She's playing violin again, along with trumpet!  Both girls are excellent on the keyboard too!  I love it that they both love music!  The kids had tried to glue the old string back in the peg.  Ben managed to get the peg cleaned out.  After heaven knows how many years it's been, I put the new string in place & we tuned the violin with an app Skyla had on her phone.  I managed to play the full scale!  Jentry had been in the kitchen making up a salad for our lunch.  I heard her laugh & she asked me how long it had been?  Just a rough guess - over 60 years!  I'd played from the third grade to high school.

Skyla & Josie~
Today, we went to the State Park.  It was much quieter than a couple days ago.  The day had stayed overcast & mild.
Butch, Skyla, Finn & Jentry~
Jentry was grilling hot dogs & Finn thought they smelled wonderful!  She'd made a pasta salad & soon we were all enjoying lunch.
Finn goes swimming!
Finn waded right into the water & went swimming again!  
Skyla & Finn!
Skyla & Finn had a grand time running on the beach!  She reminds me so much of myself at that age.  Our mood was somewhat subdued, knowing our good times were coming to an end.  We all walked the beach & out to the end of the dock.
Skyla, Finn, Papa, Josie & Jentry~
Finn wasn't worried about the dock at all, until he stuck his nose near a piling & the dock move up!  He jumped back a foot!  
Eagle top left & red barked Madrona Trees~
We packed up & said our Goodbye's...  We followed the kids out of the park & back to where they turned left & we turned right...  
I-405 Southbound~
It wasn't long until we were back in the traffic, but at least it was moving.
Finn in our room~
Our goal was Cle Elum.  We made a reservation on our way & ended up with a very nice large room.  We were sad to be leaving our family behind & heading home, even though we were getting used to our road routine by now! 

There was one year we took our little Apache camp trailer & camped all the way down the coast to northern, CA & the Redwoods.  Then all the way back in just over two weeks.  (Long before reservations were needed & the campgrounds were mostly empty.) We called ourselves the "Traveling Hoge Gypsy Family"!

The bright spot was knowing we'd be visiting family in Sheridan in a couple days!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mason's Celebration of Life~

Today would have been Mason's 23rd birthday & was to be the day of his Celebration of Life~  

Butch & I got up early, anxious to get ready & on the road.  It was over 60 miles from our camp site to reach Novelty Hill Farm, just south of Duvall.  I was very familiar with the back roads, so rather than take the chance of a traffic snarl on the highways, we enjoyed a much quieter, familiar route.

Memory table~
We were the first to arrive, but it was just a short while before David & Cassidy pulled in, with Courtney right after.  It was so good to see them!  Cassidy got busy right away taking boxes filled with fresh flower centerpieces (from Courtney's gardens) out of the car.  I did what I could to help with tablecloths, flowers etc. while asking Cassidy how things were going with her recent move to her first apartment in Fairhaven
Finnigan watches~
Finnigan by now - had things figured out.  We drove somewhere & hugged people he'd never seen before but were soon his friends!  While we were busy, I gave him a chair out of the way where he sat & people watched.
Friends & Family begin to arrive~
It was a beautiful afternoon with high clouds & a light breeze. The parking area began to fill up!  The musician set up outside, while inside were more tables where the catered dinner was served.
A wonderful turnout of Mason's tribe~
Mason's best friend had traveled all the way from the east side of the state to attend.  I had a hard time recognizing some of Mason's friends.  They'd grown up in the last few years since I'd seen them.
From the hillside~
The meal was wonderful, Mason's favorite foods were on the menu.  I wish I'd taken photos of inside too.  Butch & I caught up with son-in-law David's family.  His father Don is 94, as is Peggy, his Godmother. 
4-4-2003 Our Camo Grandkids~ 
Cousin Ben, Sister Cassidy & Mason
David had set up a slide presentation in one corner of the barn.  Butch & I sat down & watched as so many memories glided by...  A life well lived by a strong, resilient boy who grew into a brave & well-loved man.  Mason touched the lives of all who knew him.  His indominable will, incredible spirit, smile & sense of humor will be sorely missed. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Beach Time on Camano Island ~

 We slept in our first morning on the island, it was so quiet & peaceful.  There was the usual early morning cloud cover, as close as we were to the water, with super fresh, cool air.   (The date of Mason's Celebration had been changed, so we had an extra day beforehand.)  Jentry had told us about the best place to stop for coffee, tea & a sweet!  It was just a short distance from our camp, on the way to her house.  

Camano Commons~ 
When we arrived, hugs & kisses came first!  We did have one little problem...  The family cat, Yokai!  Finn is no fan of cats, in part due to me...  I'm constantly trying to keep cats away from our bird feeder & it's become a game of sorts to scare them off.  Since Yokai is an inside cat & to avoid any conflict, we put Finn in the backyard.  We had fun watching the two of them trying to figure things out!  Eventually, Finn came in & took up a spot under the dining room table, staking his turf.  Near us, protected from above & where he could keep an eye on Yokai.

It had been since September of 2019 since I'd seen grandson Ben!  Skyla & Josie had grown even taller in the year since they'd visited us in Iowa.  The kids decided we all needed to be measured.  Josie has just an inch to go to be taller than I am & Skyla already is!  Ben of course is heads above us all. :-)
Josie, Papa & Skyla~
The girls showed us their rooms, both of them decorated in their own unique style & beautiful!  Ben showed us his cars.  He has another BMW wagon up for sale.  He definitely inherited my dad's love of cars & mechanics.  

Our plan was to visit the beaches.  On our way we stopped at a little drive-in restaurant for lunch, where I had to order clam chowder!  Camano is a relatively small island, so it doesn't take long to get anywhere.  We went to the state park first, but it was busy on a summer Saturday.  Jentry's homeowners' association has access to private beaches, we decided to go there.
View east, looking at the Tulalip Indian Reservation & Warm Beach~
We parked at the Camano Country Club beach area.  It was a perfect western Washington afternoon, except for the smoke from the fires in Canada.  There was enough smoke haze to partially obscure the view of the Cascades & Mt. Baker to the north.  
We were on the eastern side of the island, facing the mainland.  There was a slight breeze & even with the smoke, the air smelled fresh.  Ben waded out into deeper water; Finn made several attempts to swim out to him!  When his feet left the bottom & the water went over his back, he started swimming as though he'd done it his entire life!  I'd waded past my knees & he ran out of leash, so I pulled him back. :-)  (We should have brought Doris's extendable leash.) 
Finn, me & Ben~
Even though Butch told him Not to drink the water, he had to try it. One little taste of salt water was enough!  Back on shore, Skyla cupped her hands, while I poured fresh water into them.  Finn drank & drank & drank!
Finn trying out the water~
Butch walked along the beach, Finn following along, wading in the water!  He rolled in the sand several times & sent it flying in all directions when he shook!  He was the happiest we'd ever seen him.
Of all the dogs we've had, Finn is the first to love the water & is the first to live so far from it...  
Butch walked, Ben fished, Jentry, the girls & I beachcombed for treasures.
Jentry, Josie, Connie, Finn & Skyla~
It was almost 6 p.m. by the time we left.  We stopped by Jentry's to clean up before driving to our favorite restaurant in Stanwood, Jimmy's Pizza & Pasta for dinner. 
A great end to such a beautiful day~

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Way West~

 We were making this trip to attend Grandson Mason's Celebration of life.  The gathering would be held on August 11th - what would have been his 23rd birthday.  We discussed flying out, but both of us felt like traveling cross-country. 

8-7 Crossing the Missouri River at Chamberlin, SD
We left bright & early Wednesday morning the 7th.  Butch had made it home a couple days early, so we had plenty of time to plan & pack the Explorer.  We'd sent both the girls our itinerary & maps of our planned daily drive.  This drive is now more familiar to Butch than it is to me.  My last time was going the opposite direction when we made the move to IA from WA. 
Rain, passing Sheridan, WY
We'd planned our first nights stop for Rapid City, but The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was in full swing & room rates were outrageous.  We decided to drive 620-miles to Sundance, WY.  We think it was Finn's first time at a motel, but he was so good!    

8-8 We ended our drive with a cool one~
The following day, Thursday the 8th, we finished another big drive of 636-miles stopping in Missoula, MT for the night.  We put Finn's bed in a quiet spot & fed him dinner before we left for ours.  When we returned, he was waiting patiently & very happy to see us!

The following morning, our goal was within reach!  Camano Island, WA where our youngest daughter & her family live.  Things greened up as we crossed into ID & WA.  Spokane traffic had tripled since my last time through.  It was our first real slow-down of the trip.
The Columbia River at Vantage, 2:19 p.m. ~
Once we crossed the river, we made a stop at the fruit stand just outside Cle Elum. Smoke was thick in the air & had been off & on the further west we drove.  

We'd be coming down Snoqualmie Pass & into Seattle during the Friday afternoon rush hour.  I-90 jammed up early on. Both the exits for the back roads we used to take to go north, were backed up for miles. 
I-90 West Bound, 4:38 p.m.
Taking the exit ramp off I-90 & finally going north on I-405, I was amazed at how Bellevue had changed!  More high-rise buildings & cranes in the air!  I'd commuted to my office in Bellevue from the Homestead for several years.  In those days, it had taken under an hour each way.    
I-405 northbound - Bellevue, 4:52 p.m. 
The highway was undergoing yet another widening as we approached downtown.  After merging onto I-5 near Lynnwood, it took us 40-minutes just to pass the Bothell exit.
Bothell 5:28 p.m. ~
Rather than continue to sit in standstill traffic, we decided the state could send us a bill & took the HOV lane.  If you enlarge the photo above, you will notice the fine for violating the HOV lane is $536. There were other signs stating that if you had two occupants or more & didn't have a pre-pass, you'd receive a bill in the mail.
North Broadway, Everett - 6:07 p.m.
I finally asked Butch to take the Everett exit so we could take a potty break!  I was hopeful we'd be able to follow Broadway north, cross the Snohomish River Bridge & return to I-5. Plenty of people had the same idea.  The other thing we didn't expect - was to find the bridge closed down to one side, only one lane each direction due to construction.
Our camp!
Jentry had messaged me & sent the above photo of our camp!  She had left work, gone home for her trailer & set it up at the campground!  It looked so inviting & kept us motivated to finish the 540-mile drive that was taking hours longer than it should have.  

As we took the Stanwood exit, we left the traffic behind.  We stopped to pick up a few things at the store, before crossing over to the island.  What a relief it was to pull into our camp site!  It was about 7 p.m. & dusk.  Jentry, Ben, Skyla & Josie drove over to welcome us!  Finn was ever so happy to meet our family!  The hugs were the Best!  After the kids left, we sat outside for a while to enjoy the peace & quiet.  We'd missed the fresh, clean air of the Pacific Northwest.