Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mason's Celebration of Life~

Today would have been Mason's 23rd birthday & was to be the day of his Celebration of Life~  

Butch & I got up early, anxious to get ready & on the road.  It was over 60 miles from our camp site to reach Novelty Hill Farm, just south of Duvall.  I was very familiar with the back roads, so rather than take the chance of a traffic snarl on the highways, we enjoyed a much quieter, familiar route.

Memory table~
We were the first to arrive, but it was just a short while before David & Cassidy pulled in, with Courtney right after.  It was so good to see them!  Cassidy got busy right away taking boxes filled with fresh flower centerpieces (from Courtney's gardens) out of the car.  I did what I could to help with tablecloths, flowers etc. while asking Cassidy how things were going with her recent move to her first apartment in Fairhaven
Finnigan watches~
Finnigan by now - had things figured out.  We drove somewhere & hugged people he'd never seen before but were soon his friends!  While we were busy, I gave him a chair out of the way where he sat & people watched.
Friends & Family begin to arrive~
It was a beautiful afternoon with high clouds & a light breeze. The parking area began to fill up!  The musician set up outside, while inside were more tables where the catered dinner was served.
A wonderful turnout of Mason's tribe~
Mason's best friend had traveled all the way from the east side of the state to attend.  I had a hard time recognizing some of Mason's friends.  They'd grown up in the last few years since I'd seen them.
From the hillside~
The meal was wonderful, Mason's favorite foods were on the menu.  I wish I'd taken photos of inside too.  Butch & I caught up with son-in-law David's family.  His father Don is 94, as is Peggy, his Godmother. 
4-4-2003 Our Camo Grandkids~ 
Cousin Ben, Sister Cassidy & Mason
David had set up a slide presentation in one corner of the barn.  Butch & I sat down & watched as so many memories glided by...  A life well lived by a strong, resilient boy who grew into a brave & well-loved man.  Mason touched the lives of all who knew him.  His indominable will, incredible spirit, smile & sense of humor will be sorely missed. 

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