This was the first time I've been out since the beginning of the new year. My usual goal of riding each month had a delayed start. January weather was so cold & windy, I just didn't get out. Today though, with only a couple days left in the month - was the day!
On the trail~ |
It was so beautiful, the air so fresh & I about had the park to myself. I rode out the trail on west side of the lake to the train underpass, before turning back to the park.
Shadow in the sun~ |
I enjoy the mostly smooth surfaces of the trail, but as you can see in the photo above, this section has some big cracks. The
Loess soils don't lend themselves to asphalt.
Once a planted field~ |
The large section of land above had been planted in either corn or soy for the years I've been riding here. Now, heavy equipment is clearing the area. You can see roof tops of a subdivision in the distance & Mid America's coal plant. It's so near to shopping etc., my guess is more residential housing will be built.
From the Indian Creek Trail~ |
I turned off Veterans Memorial Hwy & took the back way through the old campground before going back out to the street to turn north on the Indian Creek Trail.
Mileage marker at the bridge~ |
Once across, I always enjoy the wooded section along the south side of the lake. I stopped at my usual spot to admire the day & the view. The Native American word
Manawa meaning p
eace & comfort is so fitting for this park.
The lake with a thin ice layer~ |
It was one of those days, especially in the winter months that I don't want to end. We managed a few warmer days, but the cold hasn't forgotten about us & is due to return. It's been such a dry, dry winter - it doesn't bode well for the upcoming season.
Heading back~ |
As I approached the entrance to the new campground, movement in the trees caught my eye.
Four deer~ |
A group of five deer were on the move, crossing near the entry booth. I couldn't get them all in one photo, but it was sure fun to see them. The first time I've actually
seen deer in the park.
Shadow turns over 600 miles~ |
first ride on this bike was 3/28/24. The bike shows the miles the motor has been on when I'm riding. I usually leave it on, except for an occasional downhill. I still use my Garmin for keeping track of my rides. The weather will dictate how far I'll get to ride by the end of March this year. I do really enjoy the bike & my knees appreciate it too!
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