March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, November 20, 2017

Late November - Pierce Creek~

Thanksgiving week!  Already!  Where did the year go?  I was determined to get in a ride at Pierce Creek & see if the new trail our BCH Chapter worked on, was ride-able.  The weather called for mid-50's with the rest of the week substantially cooler - so today would be the day.
At the SW Corner~
The wind was whipping all the way south & relentless as I was saddling up.  Farah was higher than a kite on a string.  It took all my persuasion to convince her forward - was what we were going to do.
Going SE across the dike~
The sun was shining, it was a totally glorious late November day.  November has now become my favorite month of the year - at least this November has been amazing.  I rode up over the middle east hillside of mowed trails & had turned along the east fence line when suddenly Farah 180'ed & bolted.  I had to work - to keep from being catapulted off the back of the saddle in what would have been a very nasty fall.  I her pulled up within 100 ft. or so & my new stick got a workout!  When I turned to see what had caused this reaction, a huge buck & two does were leaping across the newly harvested corn field.
Looking back , wind whipping the water's surface~
At the bottom, I turned her back up the middle at a controlled gallop!  She'd broken a good sweat & decided paying attention to me might be the thing to do.   We headed for the Timber & soon easily found the entrance of our newly cut-in trail.  I was surprised it was so easy to spot.  The battered yellow ribbons we'd re-hung were still there.  I want to add survey tape before Terry comes through to widen the trail.
On the new Trail~
Farah had no problem finding her way.  It was so much fun to ride, our layout couldn't have been any nicer.  Meandering through the woods & staying to high ground, the half-mile seems much longer.
Along the NE edge of the park~
By now, clouds were moving in across the hazy blue sky.  We could see through to the fields to the east.  We came to the spot where we'd stopped clearing & forged our way through.  I turned Farah back, more than ready for our lunch break.
At lunch~
The day had gotten so dark it was almost like late evening.  I started hearing what sounded like a T-Rex in terrible pain!  The noise was incredible & I actually thought something was coming our way.
Erie filtered sunlight~
 When we arrived back at the lake, I could just make out a van on the far side.  The noise was coming from the trails on the west side of the lake, where we were heading.
Van on the far side~
We climbed up to the SE corner & it was just so beautiful!  Now that the crops are almost down, the wind has a raw feel & the temperature had dropped several degrees.
From the top~
All the colors are more subdued - just the browns of the grasses & blue/gray of the sky.
Back across the dike~
On the far side, I started along the lake front, but the noise from whatever, seemed right above us!  Farah kept stopping to look - trying to see through the brush.  Puffed up to twice her normal size - I decided to dismount.  I led her to nearest trail that would take us to the north side of the road leading to the dock. 

Just 100ft. in, a skid-steer with a huge brush hog on the front had just stopped.  The operator was out & was talking with another man on a tractor.  I recognized Terry.  I managed to yell loud enough he heard me & came over smiling.  I mentioned - that I was sure - he wanted me to go swimming on this day!  He shut off the equipment so we could talk.  Farah deflated a little, putting her nose on the skid steer to see if it was alive or not :-)

Away from Terry!
Terry was surprised I was alone.  I was surprised he wasn't working on our new trail!  I mentioned I'd just ridden it & how nice it was going to be.  He was finished with harvesting - so I'm hopeful the work will get done sooner than the projected date in January.
On our way back~
Farah finally got her chance for a good gallop, but since we'd spooked up no less than four different groups of deer, I kept her as controlled as possible.  The noise had pretty much ruined one of the things I enjoy so much about this park...  the quiet...  Too bad it couldn't have been done on one of the days the shooting range is open.
The Bronco waits~
Farah had been her own worst enemy today.  She stood tied, with a hind leg cocked while & brushed her down.  I enjoy this park so much.  What a feeling of freedom, to be out miles from anywhere & surrounded by wide-open space.  Our Mills County Trails meeting was tonight, so we had to start back.  My husband spent his weekend putting new shocks on the Bronco & they are wonderful!  It was like driving a new rig, even in the strong side wind!  The sun was just setting by the time we arrived back at Farah's stable.  Another great late fall ride~


  1. Good recovery - we have a lot of wildlife up here (including black bears & timberwolves). STILL getting crops down there... wow, that is done late August/early September up here. It is too cold to ride most days, at least for me it is, I seem to be feeling the cold more & more every year. I wish I could move the whole farm west a couple of provinces. ;-)

    1. You are so lucky in that... here they have to "work" to survive. If there were a perfect place, it wouldn't be for long! Best to handle the challenges that come along with space!


Always Welcome~