March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, November 2, 2018

What Am I Doin'?

There are those days when I miss - just the smell of a horse.  I found out last Friday, that a cow does Not have the pleasant aroma of a horse.  I spent the day at the farm.  It was gray, overcast, gloomy & fit my mood.  I finally felt strong enough to face going there & not seeing my mare.  I started by cleaning out the last of the loose hay, then going through all Butch's boxes of tools etc, he'd moved from storage.  The mice had found several, even eating through Styrofoam to chew on the cord of a welder.  I opened the boxes, tipped them over & ran!

It took me until almost dark to get everything sorted.  I made up a stack of barn stuff another horse person might want.  I loaded the Bronco with the boxes of Christmas decorations that thankfully were sealed - my original excuse for the trip.
11-3-2015 At Victoria~
 Once home, I decided to take a photo trip back to the same day - the last year we were on the Homestead.  (Third Time is the Charm) I find myself doing this now & then.  A day later, I was riding & we topped 1,000-miles for the year.
10-20-2018 Farah & Renee~
Just a couple days before, Renee sent me this first photo of her & Farah.  It's great to see the two of them getting along so well.  I trust that Renee is what Farah needs at this stage in her life.  Learning to carry herself properly, fresh ideas & conditioning for new disciplines.  All will be good for her longevity.

I started blogging back in 2011, because I enjoy writing & having just turned 60, liked the idea of keeping some type of journal.  I wrote about mundane happenings on the Homestead, but it wasn't long until my rides dominated the blog.

I mentioned to Butch the other night - that I feel somewhat at a loss.  My main reason to write a story at all, is now far away...  Horses have been my life.  I'm not about re-living the past, but there have been some good horses & good horse stories worth writing about.  Time will tell, what comes next~

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