March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Back in Washington~

I was planning a trip in February, but our Grandson Mason was diagnosed with cancer late November.  Wild horses couldn't have kept me away.  I recovered from the flu just in time to make my flight.

Mason was already into his second of four chemo treatments.  Each lasts a week, with two weeks between, when he can be home.  After Mason's first treatment, Mommy was sick in bed, so Mason & Daddy stayed with a wonderful friend & neighbor.  That same neighbor, checking on Courtney, drove her to the hospital.  She was admitted with walking pneumonia.  A tough bunch - the entire family made it home in time for Christmas!
Tree in the road~
Arriving the night of the fifth - a big wind storm blew through!  The following morning when Courtney & I were driving to Children's - we had several obstacles to navigate!   It was fun to cross the new floating bridge - 520 - heading to Seattle.

It was SO good to see Mr. Mason looking so strong!  Born with Tuberous Sclerosis  Mason has been a fighter from day one - surmounting many hurdles in his young life.
A tired Grammy & Mason!
 What has become the usual - Mason has amazed the Doctors & staff with his Get it Done attitude!  He's the one who realized that he was at the half-way point in his treatment & is already planning a bowling party for when the treatments are over!  Friends from school have made the drive to visit as have many of the family.
Mason is Home!
We were all thrilled to have him home yesterday!  The dogs were the most excited to have their boy back!  Auntie Jentry & Uncle Joe with Cousins Skyla & Josie - will be up over the weekend to visit.  Cousin Ben is on his way today!  What's a Grammy to do?
Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies
Bake cookies of course!  Mason already had a list for me!  At the top is Porcupine Meatballs - that will be dinner tomorrow.  He has to consume mass quantities of calories - so I'm going to do my best!

The weather has been dismal - gray & rain - lots of both.  I'm already missing the bright blue skies & brilliant sunshine of Iowa!  If I could just figure a way to transport the kids & grandkids more often!


  1. Oh my goodness! Healthy thoughts to your family! I'm glad you can be there to support them!

  2. If you want to come by and visit and/or ride a horse let us know!

  3. Thanks for the video of home! I had no idea it was replaced, and I haven't driven it since it started costing money. The waves coming over were always fun! I wonder if the UW side of the bridge still has those art pieces in the water.


Always Welcome~