March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ken Sidey Nature Area ~

I was searching Google Earth, looking at parks in Adair County.  The Ken Sidey Nature Area is only a couple miles from Greenfield.  I love the story behind this area & how long it's been left in a native state.  For over fifty-years, Mr. Sidey took weekly walks here & wrote about the area in his Notes & Notions column in Adair County Free Press.   My Aunt, Blanch Tracy worked at the Free Press for many years.  She enjoyed the work there; I think I would have too!

I convinced Butch we needed to take a short hike, before continuing on to Creston.  The day had started out cool, with a nice breeze, but turned downright hot.  The humidity was high, after what must have been more overnight rain.
Entrance Sign~
Nika was with us & ready for a walk. The start of the trail was soaking wet, with water running along over the top of the already muddy soil.  I had on sandals; Butch gave me a look :-)
Nika & Butch on the trail~
The one sign we found wasn't too informative. It showed what looked to be nice circular trail system, but there was no signage as to what trail you were on. We found a couple turns off what we thought was the main trail.
In the Timber~
It was beautiful! So lush, so green & so quiet! It was also very, very wet! We were slipping & sliding with almost every step. Under the layer of mud & water, we could see gravel here & there.
The Columbine above is the second I've seen this season, each at a different park. The ground covers here were more diverse. I only saw a few honeysuckle - I hope they're removed before they have a chance to spread!
Nodaway Lake
The first turn we made, took us down to the lake! The second, we were climbing a hill along the side of a open field. We could just see a house at the top, so we both thought we'd made a wrong turn. By now, my Garmin said we'd covered a half-mile. The sweat was dripping from us both & even Nika had slowed down.
Connie & Nika
We decided to turn back - after taking a short break on one of the benches along the trail.  The sign below was near a gate at the edge of the lake.
From that point on, I felt every drip of sweat & thought it was a tick! I think it's great we're to mail in the form & a study is on-going.
Our trek~
By the time we were back to the parking - the three of us were more than ready for the air-conditioned comfort of the truck! This will be another place for exploring on a cool fall day!


  1. Holy crap a tick study. My husband and I both have tick wounds on our bodies - they last weeks. Thankfully Lyme is not common in our area, but the ticks abound. What we wonder is how on earth we get them so high up on our bodies, assuming they start on us from the grass???? Shoulder, elbow? Come on!

    It is one of the worst things about Germany. Our cat must be Frontlined constantly. Wish they had Frontline for humans.

    The horseflies come next, I'm thinking of hiding all Summer in my house.

    About the Columbines - we have them in our yard and my PNW step dad said he doesn't like them. I found that odd but I think I know why now. They're like weeds, aren't they? They grow where not planted? I like them.

    I pray for you regularly, I hope you're feeling better.

    Happy Ascension Day. Anja and I took the donkey and horse for a walk by a small free church today and I had to stop to listen to the hymns. Guilty for not being in there.

  2. I know... Right?! I have no idea if Lyme is more common here. After the one I had last year, I'm doubly cautious! The Japanese Beetles will be next, horseflies too, but I can't say I will miss them! It's a "weed" if it grows where you don't want it :-) Thank you! You prayed in your own private way.


Always Welcome~