March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, September 30, 2019

Merry Gallop!

It was a sunshine & chilly Monday morning!  I arrived at the farm, the horses were loaded.  Mary was riding Oliver, who Farah had only met at a distance in the barn.  We put Farah in front & Oliver behind.  After double checking to be sure we had everything - away we went - picking  up a hot drink for the road.  Driving up Highway 9, I requested a drive along Burn Rd. toward Arlington.  I had a brief glimpse of our old Homestead through the Cedars, so huge, only a corner of the barn roof is visible.

We were the only ones at the trail-head.  I was glad I brought Farah's tack with me.  It was worth the hassle of two bags, for both of us to be totally comfortable.  Her girth was a notch lower than what had been her usual.

As natural as breathing, swinging my leg over & settling back in her saddle...  Farah knew exactly where she was, taking off with her usual determined pace.  The swinging stride more familiar to me than my own walk.  We were - of course - heading for lunch!  
Our first break spot~
I asked many times to stop for photos.  We lead the way onto our old trails, unfamiliar to our riding companions.
Ollie allows Farah's inquisitive nose~
The camera was in it's usual place on the side of my pommel & Farah did her one click wait - before moving on.  Moving up into the trot, our horses decided to be a little competitive!  Way fun!  My time at the Y - has paid off.
Heading up to the top~
Three-years of tree growth had obscured most of the view, from the trail up the back of the mountain.  It was well-cleared & some of the old dips had smoothed out.  Once we were out on the road, Farah wanted to gallop.  Ollie was game, as the gallop became a run :-)  I asked Farah to slow as we were reaching the crest of the hill & she did.  Only one slight side-ways look at an old stump.
First view of the monument~
Maybe because it's been so long, we both enjoyed this view more than ever.  Dropping her head to graze, Ollie was allowed to graze too.  We were sitting on the seats, eating our lunch when Ollie decided to do a little trot right past us!  We both jumped up at the same time.  To his credit, he stopped, but was looking off toward the far trail.  Farah had raised her head, but we decided to keep them in hand.
Farah enjoys "lunch"~
I wanted some photos of us, it was such a perfect early fall day.
Us, Puget Sound & the Islands~

Mary & Oliver~

Farah & Ollie - "Friends"?
We took the trail back around the side of the mountain.  I love the section through the big woods.  Mary was taking photos, while Farah & I just drank in this place & time.
On the Trail~
We came out at the Lake McMurray overlook.
Lake McMurray~
I couldn't believe how much the trees had grown since our last visit!  It won't be long, until the view is totally obscured - unless the tree farm management does some trimming.
Through the forest~
Further along the trail, we did get a look back at the lake~
Second view~
We took the long way down the hill & down what I'd always called our running hill.  We toured the east side trails.  It was late in the day by now, we turned back at the bottom.  I could feel Farah getting ready to do her blast!  I asked Mary if she was game for a run & she was!  We took off & started flying!  We know every inch of that run so well.  When we hit the dip - Farah launched herself into the air & we hit 24 mph on the steep uphill grade.

Reaching the top, we pulled up & watched as Mary & Oliver came flying up!  Oliver was determined Farah was Not going to get away from him!
Through the last stand of timber~
It was so stunning, as we were heading back to the trailer, with the sun setting through the trees.  Once back, the horses got a bit of wet mash.  Farah always accepts food.  We were both starved & stopped for dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant in Arlington.  

Once back at the farm, we put the horses away.  Both seemed totally happy with our day's ride & started in on their hay.  I was a bit late getting back to Courtney's!


  1. I'm so glad you were back with your true partner for awhile, I'm sure Farah knows it as well. That feeling of being one while you canter down the trail…I hope you can keep riding her sometimes.

  2. That is certainly our plan! She's just 15-miles from our oldest daughter's Family! :-)


Always Welcome~