March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Cabin Finished, Summer Woods~

 When we received news of Courtney & Mason's upcoming, early July visit, we had just enough time to get the ceiling in the Cabin finished.  It was a lot more work than I anticipated, when I came up with the idea...  Many thanks to my husband, for all the ladder time it took to complete my vision.

Blue jar collection above the door~
We added a small window AC unit we use on the warmer days.  With all the insulation, once it's cool inside, it stays that way for a long while.  The red bow saw has been with us forever, the green one was my Dad's.  

Wood Shed & Saw, 9-28-2007

The CO license plates were also from Dad's, he had one for his birth year & another for Mom's.  Our last WA State Parks plate  found a spot too.

Swan collection out of boxes!
Most of my swan planter collection is finally out of the boxes!  It was almost like Christmas, unwrapping each one.  It was Mason & his sister Cassidy who helped me wrap & box them prior to our move.  Mason was also happy to find the jar of butter mints on the dresser :-)  After Mason's bout with cancer, it had been three-years since any of the Peters family had visited us.

Timber Trail~
We're now well into our hottest time of year...  Mid to upper 90's with crazy high humidity.  On last evening's local weather - it was reported that one acre of corn sweats 4,000 gallons of water a day!  That sure explains our humidity!
Looking West~
I had some catching up to do in the woods after Courtney & Mason left for home. Good thing, since keeping busy kept me from being so lonely for them... I've spent the last couple days weed -whacking along the creek. Then, there's the mowing. It's been great that our neighbor has taken an interest in keeping her portion cut down too!
Day lily's blooming at the Lowlands~
The red Day Lily's I panted last season are in full bloom now.  They add such a bright spot of color to the green landscape.
View from the bench~
Butch bought me the little bench for Mother's Day & I love it.  Nika & I will have a place to sit on our winter walks too!  (Stall matts do come in handy for a variety of purposes!)

North on the Cabin Cut-off trail~
I've been watering again too.  Not a lot, but enough to hopefully keep just a little moisture in the ground.  The far left end of the photo is the last section of the hillside I planted, along the Cabin's north property line.  It's a year behind the rest, but catching up quickly.
Squirrely isn't happy about the heat, but the ferns love it!  I'm watering my outside flowers once in the morning & again at night before bedtime.  We've been promised some moisture by the end of this week & cooler weather for the first of Aug. 

Breezy had been at the Bike Rack in Omaha, since Sat. for new tire liners.  We finally picked her up yesterday, only to find out they were short one liner, so only one tire was done.  Now, it's another wait for the additional liner to arrive next week...  In the meantime, I hope to get in a ride at least by the weekend!


  1. We're in Seattle and no one has to mow lately. The grass is all brown and dead. Back in Germany, it's so wet I was mowing 3 times per week through July.

  2. I've heard how dry it is there... Hope you made it through the heavy rains OK!


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