March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, November 7, 2022

November's Long Shadows~

 Butch was home late Saturday afternoon through today, but after lunch, he was back on the road.  Sunday was such a nice day, we both worked outside.  Butch did the few items on my honey do list & fixed a mirror on the truck while I was busy raking leaves off my trails.

Today, after lunch he was back on the road heading toward MO.  I decided with the wind & rain forecast for the rest of this week, I'd get in a ride.

Leaving Silver City~
It felt really chilly, even in the mid-50's. I wore my lined tights for the first time this season & didn't regret it.  The wind was coming from the SE.  With all the fields down now, they no longer provide any break from the gusts.
Only a few of the trees are still holding onto their leaves.
On the trail~
The surface of the trail has been swept clean of leaves & walnuts too.  Much easier riding than just a couple weeks ago.  Arriving at the park in Malvern, the RV camp was empty, a very quiet afternoon. 
Taking a break~
I love having the trail & the park to myself.  Even though I'd just ridden through the underpass when the train came roaring by overhead!   On the way back, I took my time, enjoying the warmth of the sun, so low in the southern sky.
The rear view~
Here we are - again adjusting to the change to Standard time.  The extra hour of light in the the mornings is paid for by the suddenly shortened afternoons.  I'd managed to get on the trail thirty minutes earlier than usual, but even so, I planned to return to the Explorer by 4:30.
Bright Red!
Watching the lengthening shadows, I still had to stop to take a photo of the bright red foilage on this bush!  I have no idea what it is, but it's beautiful.  The green intertwined is Greenbriar, the bane of gardners everywhere.
Not too much further, my eye was drawn to the contrast of the fallen leaves, with the white of the fungus growing out of the old limbs.  Not the bright colors of some of the varieties I'm familiar with, but very pretty in it's own way.
Cattle in the corn stubble~
I climbed up the small hill between the trail & this field to get an unobstructed view of the black angus grazing in the freshly harvested corn field.  Such a beautiful sight in the golden glow of the late afternoon sun.
Smokey waits~
Smokey is a very paitent bike.  He waits calmly while I take short excursions.  This time of year I can - without being sprayed down top to bottom with bug spray!  It's a relief to be done with the biting bugs for this year!  (Even so, I still ended up with two large bites on the side of my neck last week!)
5 p.m. Home~
By the time I reached home & put Smokey away - the sun had set behind the woods.  What a difference a week makes!  Now I've got the outdoor timers to adjust for the change.  The earlier it gets dark, the more I enjoy having lights out on the deck & porch.  They seem to expand the indoor living space & give some warmth to the cooler nights.  My rides on the trail are now numbered, providing we receive the moisture we need!

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