March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Third Trip to Lake Manawa~

 Another in our amazing string of ongoing sunshine & warm days!  Before leaving for my usual Wednesday morning at mat making, I loaded Smokey on the Explorer & dropped Finnigan off with Gramma Doris.  Our group had made plans for our usual late winter lunch in Council Bluffs at Pizza Ranch - a favorite of everyone.  I tried to limit myself to just a few of my favorite things from the buffet, but still left feeling very full!

On the southern section of trail~
I again decided to leave from within the park - abet slowly on my favorite section of the loop.  I feel more motivated leaving from the pretty place & returning to it.  There was no one around as I crossed the road & turned east.
In just over two miles, I turned off the perimeter trail & stopped for a minute before merging onto E. Manawa Drive.  It was very warm, at least the mid-70's.  I'd started out with my vest on, but it wasn't long after this I removed it.  I was feeling my lunch & backed off my usual pace.
Looking south at the western edge of the old campground~
The old campground remains unchanged & I'm happy for it.  I like riding through the area, it's quiet & I always look for animals, though it's been a long while since I've seen Mr. Coyote.
Buds on the Cottonwood~
I left the campground, finished riding along the highway & turned onto the Indian Creek Trail.  There I found a big sign saying the trail was closed!  Not good for me, since that would mean returning the way I'd just come.  A long way ahead I could see a crew & trucks working on the paving.  I decided if the trail was impassable, I'd just go down the dike & walk in the grass along the creek to get past them & up to the bridge.  

Well, a very impolite worker met me with upraised hand & told me they had the trail closed.  I told him I would circumvent their work by dropping down the dike & going along the creek.  Another worker came up & I was allowed to continue on.
The way I'd come.  Taken from the west end of the bridge, looking north.
The sign in the trail above was just before the bridge.  Once over the bridge, I made the turn to east & was back on the trail that would return me to the Explorer.  
The Explorer waits~
As the Explorer came into view, I saw the back of trail closed sign in front of me.  When I'd left, I'd turned the opposite direction & missed seeing it.
The sign I'd missed~
Another rider came up & stopped at the sign to ask me what was going on.  I told her I had no idea why the south trail was closed at this spot, since the crew was working on the far side of the bridge.  She said it had been days since they started & she hoped the repair work would be finished soon.
The lake~
I rode on & took the axillary trail over to the lake & picnic spot.  It was totally quiet & seemed so much more like spring than late winter.  I called Butch, but he was in traffic, so we didn't talk long.  
Winter woods~
On my way back, I stopped to get a photo of the trees above.  It's a section of the park that's left as habitat.  I was back at the Explorer in no time & covered almost twelve miles.  

Back in Glenwood, both Finn & Doris had been napping when I arrived!  They'd had a busy day working in the backyard.  I'm sure Finn is a big help!  :-)  I'm so appreciative of Doris taking him on days I'm away, but she says she should pay me to bring him over!  I don't think so!  

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