Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Ride with Butch & Finn!

 I expected Butch would pull in this week; he ended up getting dispatched home a couple days earlier than I'd expected!  He'd driven in from Iowa-80 this morning, dropped his trailer at Nationwide & came home.

Butch pulls in!
Finn & I waited on the front porch.  It was just a beautiful day.  After all the heat & humidity of the last week, it was the second day of fine early summer weather.  Finn is always so excited to see the big blue truck pull in, he ran to Butch & the two of them walked around the property enjoying the results of my two days of mowing!  
Walking the Marsh with Finn~
Mason's tree, to the right in the above photo has grown a second set of leaves.  It was leafed out when it arrived, but those leaves were eaten by something...  I sprayed it for bugs & it helped!

Butch asked; "Are we going riding?"  I'd mentioned it but wasn't sure he'd want to after driving across the state.  After lunch, he loaded our bikes & we drove over to Malvern.  It wasn't long until we were on the trail.
On the trail~
It was a cool enough day, Finnigan could ride along.  He was happy to be going with us! :-)
Silver Creek Trestle~
Leaving from the park, we rode north to Silver City & stopped on the trestle for a short break.  Finn likes to get out now & then to do some sniffing around.  Mari Jo keeps Happy Trails freezer stocked with ice cream & that was our goal!
Ready to leave Happy Trails~
The AC in the shop felt good too!  We had our treats & bought a couple items for our bike bags.  Mari Jo always has plenty of useful gadgets in stock.  Finn jumped both out of & back in his trailer!  He does enjoy barking at every person we pass on the trail!
After a short break!
Heading back south, we stopped again for a short break.  Finn actually made this ride sitting instead of standing all the way like he had the first time he rode with us.  He's decided his trailer can be very comfortable.

We made great time heading back & enjoyed our ride!  Finn & I are very happy to have Butch home for almost a week!  The longest time in quite a while.  We've made lots of plans for him! :-)

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