March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, February 17, 2017

You Say February?!

I'm sorry, (Not really!) but there wasn't a one of us who could possibly believe that a day like this could possibly happen in February!  It was sunny, warm, light breeze, no bugs, just a totally perfect day to do about anything - especially ride!
Pete, Jo, Sue & Connie
We again went over to the Nebraska side of the river to enjoy the great riding at Two Rivers State Recreation Area.  Butch & Nika came too - Butch is still studying - the park is a very pleasant place to read! Since I'd set the bar high - passing the test for my CDL the first time, my husband had to do the same & did!  :-)
Ice still in the shaded areas~
I had expected our little group from last week for today's ride, so the surprise was on me when we had a much larger group!  Farah - after being so darn nice last Friday - was ornery today.  The larger group of horses got her excited - but she was giving me her head & at least didn't buck.
Following Sue & Jaz at the river~
We tagged onto Sue & Jaz - that kept us moving forward - always a good thing!  Later on in the ride, we went up front & rode with Taylor on Daisy - a beautiful cream buckskin mare who does a lot of gaming & can move out!  :-)  Farah of course was all over that!  We did some trotting & a bit of cantering.
On the Trail~
We met up with Sue again & this time Farah took the lead & finally calmed down.  I gave her a carrot - that gave her something to chomp on besides the bit.  Still - she gave me a very nice frame.  This is the time of year that we'd usually be conditioning for Mt. Adams - so it's time for me to look at the ride schedule & find one that looks good for us!
Our stalwart group of riders!
We had so much fun!  At one point someone said;  "Gosh, who could believe that we're riding in February, in weather like this, in Iowa!"  The next comment;  "We're in Nebraska!"  :-)  OK, we'll take it!  Whatever state we're in - it was the perfect place to be - on the back of a horse!

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