March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, July 19, 2019

In the Heat of It!

No surprise, we're back into the hottest time of year.  With dew points in the mid-70's, the air is saturated with moisture.  Evening brings temperature drops to the mid-80's - but the humidity rises. We sweat & sweat some more - I'm actually getting used to it.  I remember summer nights on the farm, in one of the upstairs bedrooms, all the windows open.  Laying on top of the sheets, praying for the slightest breeze.  Ever thankful for AC!  My bones though - feel wonderful!  No aching joints!
This year, I planted some of Linus's Zinnia seeds. What a pop of color! I've worked on removing more of the invasive shrubs from the marsh area. It's been so wet, that Butch had to go in with his weed whacker to cut the grass. I'm usually mowing it by now. I'm laying some of the concrete pieces that had been piled at the bottom of the hill, along the side of the marsh. They make a nice walkway when it's so wet.
Antique Horse Hook~
I found the horse hook - in what's become my favorite town for antique shopping, Walnut, IA. The town reminds me of Snohomish, but without all the great places to eat. There's is a wonderful bakery & it's just close enough to make a nice Sunday drive.
Nika gets a bath!
Last Sat., while I was detailing out the camper, I could hear Nika barking. She sounded a long way off... Going down the hill to look, I found her scooting out from under the shed. She'd been after something. Even the heat & awful humidity hadn't deterred her. Covered in mud, she didn't even complain when Butch put her in the water! As hot as she was, I'm sure it felt good!
Marigolds, Zinnia's & Daylilies~
 News reports warn us that a pet, left outside in this heat, for as little as fifteen minutes, can die from heat stroke. Cooler weather is coming tomorrow night & into next week.  I'm looking forward to it!


  1. I had to LOL at "like Snohomish but without the good food." *snicker* I guess I could say that about Frankfurt. Like America (shiny tall buildings) but without the good places to eat.

    Pets can die left outside 15 minutes? Good heavens.

    Love your zinnias. Must get me some next year.

    We're having another Summer storm today with 90F and awful humidity. And our hay was cut Monday so it's getting rained on. I cracked up J by trying out every German cuss word I've heard.

    At 5 am he went out in the rain, felt our hay, came in the house and hugged me miserably. There's still hope, but how many rains can cut hay handle?

    1. I'm surprised - being such a cosmopolitan city! Yes - combo of heat/humidity, they don't realize when they're overheated. Your summer sounds almost worse than ours :-) We've enjoyed some incredible "cool" days this week! Will pray for dry weather for your hay! It will be in short supply here too.


Always Welcome~