March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, October 15, 2021

Windy Ride~

 We are enjoying some of the best weather Iowa has to offer.  Perfect October days, temperatures from the mid-60's to mid-70's.  Cool, crisp mornings & velvety soft evening's.  The western sky aglow with the deep orange/pink of the sunsets.  

Breezy & the Explorer~

I was well overdue for a ride.  Silver City was quiet when I arrived, except for the gusting wind.  Just one other vehicle at the little parking area.  I was planning a more positive ride experience than my last time out.  With that in mind, I decided to ride to Hwy 34 & back, rather than the longer ride to Malvern.

Soy Bean field, harvested~
The land has a more vacant look, after the lush, growing greens of the summer months.  I shifted Breezy to the second set of higher gears.  If more experienced riders use those gears, I might as well give it a go.
Virginia Creeper~
I couldn't help but notice the brilliant red of the Virginia Creeper.  Now, it's easy to see how high into the trees it can climb.  Such a bright red & a standout among the still green leaves.
Leaves all around~
It smells like fall out here too!  A dry, but rich odor of wind-blown leaves.  The gusts had drifted them to the east side of the bridges.  The wind was mostly out of the north, but now & then a big gust would hit from the west.  The ride back was looking more challenging.  The temperature was perfect, probably upper 60's, my favorite.  I'd started off with a hoodie but it came off after the first few miles.
Soy Bean harvesting, next to a corn field~

Equipment was out in several of the fields along the trail.  With this perfect weather forecast almost through the end of the month, the farmers are happy.

Sumac, where I turned back~
I was at the underpass in just under an hour.  One of my best times to Butch's shop was an hour.  Two-miles further...  Of course the wind didn't help.  I stayed up in 11th to 13th gear the entire way.  Those gears do give more bite to the pedals.  
I saw a large spot of light color on the trail & stopped to investigate.  At first I thought it was a large mushroom, but the growing end just wasn't right.  Continuing on, the surrounding beauty of the countryside was enveloping.  I could have done without the wind, in places almost bringing Breezy to a standstill.
On the Trestle~
Up one of the last long grades, I dropped down to 3rd & 4th.  Once I'd passed the apex, I went back up to 12th.  My knees were feeling the strain.
Just a little water in the creeks~
Our half-inch of rain last week, added a trickle of water to the creeks.  We've been so dry.  My phone rang when I was just a couple miles from Silver City!  It surprised me, as before the entire trail hadn't had reception.  As I was scheduling another appointment for Butch, I looked up.
A tiny gnome home~
The very same type of mushroom/fungi I'd found on the trail!  I expected to see the little face of a tree gnome peeking out at me!  This was quite a distance up in the tree & I had to zoom to get the photo.

I was more than ready to be back to the trail-head.  Happy I'd listened to my common sense & ridden twelve-miles rather than the usual seventeen.  My knees told me I'd used those higher gears, but I'm going to continue to work with them.  Just under two-hours for the round-trip, against the wind, not bad.  Now, if I can find the time to get out more often while this weather holds!

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