Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Malvern Depot to the Trestle~

 We've had a string of simply wonderful weather - if it weren't for the ongoing drought & super dry conditions.  The last few days we've been in the upper 60's, but it did drop to the mid-20's last night.  Tomorrow we're due to possibly break a record for warmth if we reach the mid-70's.  

Butch leaving~
Butch had made it home for an overnight stop on Friday afternoon.  When he left Sat. morning to pick up his trailer, it wasn't ready.  He returned home & took me to breakfast!  We've been lucky - since we've managed time together once a week for the past couple weeks. As usual though - it's always hard to see him go.  Getting outside is about the only cure.
Northbound from Malvern~
Today I was excited to return to the trail & decided to ride opposite direction I usually take.  I took the last available parking spot at the Depot in Malvern.  Turning north toward Silver City - the Trestle is about half-way. 
The trail was completely dry, with only sunken footprints & tire tracks marring the surface.  Most of these were in areas near where roads intersect the trail.  Some people park at these locations to walk different sections.  Obviously, whoever left the deep prints had sloppy going & the trail surface will take most of the season to recover.  Especially if we don't get any rain.
Hopp Creek Bridge~
I was the only one out this afternoon & I appreciated having the trail to myself.  For whatever reason I stopped at Hopp Creek & decided to walk down to get a photo of the bridge.  All the bridges are showing their age.
Silver Creek Trestle~
The Wabash Trace Facebook page had posted that the Trestle would be closed for repairs.  I wanted to see what progress had been made.  Besides the side rails being pulled off & used to block the main deck, I couldn't decern any changes.
Silver Creek Trestle~
I climbed up on the top railing to get a better view of the bridge.  No one would be crossing from the Silver City side & with no one else on the trail, I enjoyed the peace & quiet.
Southbound from the Trestle~
I'd gone 3.85 miles to reach the Trestle & could feel the difference of riding on the limestone, vs. the smooth concrete & paving at Lake Manawa.  I rode around the pond at park, before sitting on a bench to soak in the late afternoon warmth.  
At the Pond~
The geese are back & were all in the water.  The level of pond hasn't recovered at all since my last visit here with Finnigan a month ago.  Even the snow we did receive wasn't enough to make a noticeable change. I rode a loop around town before returning to the Explorer.  

Finn had spent the afternoon with Doris, helping her work in her backyard.  By the time I got there, Doris had done a lot more yard cleanup & insisted I dig up more of the iris in her flower bed.  They spread like wildfire, so I'm planting them on the hillside that drops down to the marsh.  I hope I'll be able to see the tall blooms from the yard. Everyone is complaining about the moles.  It seems every year they just get worse & they've contributed to the erosion on the hill. 

Almost the end of February & it seems like spring!  We'll see if spring brings the rain we so badly need!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Third Trip to Lake Manawa~

 Another in our amazing string of ongoing sunshine & warm days!  Before leaving for my usual Wednesday morning at mat making, I loaded Smokey on the Explorer & dropped Finnigan off with Gramma Doris.  Our group had made plans for our usual late winter lunch in Council Bluffs at Pizza Ranch - a favorite of everyone.  I tried to limit myself to just a few of my favorite things from the buffet, but still left feeling very full!

On the southern section of trail~
My third visit so far this year, I decided to leave from within the park, abet slowly on my favorite section of the loop.  I feel more motivated starting & finishing from the nicest section of the trails.  There was no one around as I crossed the road & turned east.
In just over two miles, I turned off the perimeter trail & stopped for a minute before merging onto E. Manawa Drive.  It was very warm, at least the mid-70's.  I'd started out with my vest on, but it wasn't long after this I removed it.  I was feeling my lunch & backed off my usual pace.
Looking south at the western edge of the old campground~
The old campground remains unchanged & I'm happy for it.  I like riding through the area, it's quiet & I always look for animals, though it's been a long while since I've seen Mr. Coyote.
Buds on the Cottonwood~
I left the campground, finished riding along the highway & turned onto the Indian Creek Trail.  There I found a big sign saying the trail was closed!  Not good for me, since that would mean returning the way I'd just come.  A long way ahead I could see a crew & trucks working on the paving.  I decided if the trail was impassable, I'd just go down the dike & walk in the grass along the creek to get past them & up to the bridge.  

Well, a very impolite worker met me with upraised hand & told me they had the trail closed.  I told him I would circumvent their work by dropping down the dike & going along the creek.  Another worker came up & I was allowed to continue on.
The way I'd come.  Taken from the west end of the bridge, looking north.
The sign in the trail above was just before the bridge.  Once over the bridge, I made the turn to east & was back on the trail that would return me to the Explorer.  
The Explorer waits~
As the Explorer came into view, I saw the back of trail closed sign in front of me.  When I'd left, I'd turned the opposite direction & missed seeing it.
The sign I'd missed~
Another rider came up & stopped at the sign to ask me what was going on.  I told her I had no idea why the south trail was closed at this spot, since the crew was working on the far side of the bridge.  She said it had been days since they started & she hoped the repair work would be finished soon.
The lake~
I rode on & took the axillary trail over to the lake & picnic spot.  It was totally quiet & seemed so much more like spring than late winter.  I called Butch, but he was in traffic, so we didn't talk long.  
Winter woods~
On my way back, I stopped to get a photo of the trees above.  It's a section of the park that's left as habitat.  I was back at the Explorer in no time & covered almost twelve miles.  

Back in Glenwood, both Finn & Doris had been napping when I arrived!  They'd had a busy day working in the backyard.  I'm sure Finn is a big help!  :-)  I'm so appreciative of Doris taking him on days I'm away, but she says she should pay me to bring him over!  I don't think so!  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Glenwood Preserve - Walk with Finn~

 Sunday, much warmer than yesterday, brilliant sunshine & blue sky!  I should have taken my bike out, but instead, decided to take Finn & walk at the Glenwood Archaeology State Preserve.  I hadn't been there since February 5th of 2022 when I'd walked with Nika. 

Beginning of the trail~
It was a totally beautiful afternoon!  Impossible to think we're still in the middle of February!  It's a short drive from home, so I have no excuse not to visit this area more often.  The only drawback is the out & back trail.  It's a shame there wasn't a way to make a loop.
Water in the creek~
We crossed the first bridge & started up the hill on the paved walkway.  It's a easy climb to the top & I love the woods in the late afternoon sunshine. 
Trees & sun~
Finnigan really enjoyed walking a new trail.  He notices every little thing.  I have to remind him we're not out to sniff every square inch of the trail!  
When we came down the far side, on the paving, I took the mowed path up the big hill.  I love going up that way, just to admire the views from the top.
Mowed trail~
We're enjoying another of those mid-February's where the temperatures soar into the upper 60's & 70.  Things are drying out due to the winds & the fire danger level has gone up.  
Where the covered picnic spots used to be~
There used to be several covered picnic areas in this loop.  A couple had been damaged by trees falling on them & leaking roofs contributed to the decline.  Last time I'd been here they were being torn down.  Now, most of the mess is gone, with just the concrete slabs remaining.
The way back~
The trail going out & back from the parking area is a mile each way.  When we dropped down the hill we'd already hiked about a mile.  Of course, I wanted to walk the entire thing, so we continued south, rather than turning back toward the Explorer.
Last car in the lot~
We were the last ones there...  We stopped for a short rest on one of the well-placed benches.  It was very quiet - the only sound was a woodpecker hammering on a tree. By the time we were back, we'd covered over three miles.  Finnigan's longest walk to date.    

Our 3.3-mile route~
We've signed up for an obedience class in mid-March. Finn is so good most of the time, but when he sees another dog on a leash, he reacts with barking etc.  A few lessons will do us both good!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Trip to Visit "Dad"!

 Thursday, Butch made it into town by 9 p.m. for an overnight stop!  I picked him up where he parks Maverick when he's under a load & brought him home.  Finn was SO excited to see him!  But in the early morning when I took him back to the truck, Finn wasn't happy.  Dad's stay had been way too short to suit him!

From here, Butch had gone north up to Cherokee, IA & delivered apple juice to Hy-Vee.  From there, to Sioux City to pick up another load going to MI.  By Friday night, he was at the Flying J in Avoca, IA.  He had enough time in his schedule to take his 34-hour reset there.  He invited Finn & I up for the day on Saturday!

Finn looking for Dad~
When I told Finn we were going to see Dad, he spent the rest of his time looking out the front storm door.  Once his collar & lead came out, he was still excited & was ready to take a ride in the car.  It was just under an hour's drive to the Flying J.  As I took the exit ramp, Finn was suddenly out of his car seat & looking out the windows!  When we turned into the truck entrance, he was making more sounds than I've ever heard come out of him!  Almost screams of excitement!  There was absolutely no doubt he remembered this place & knew we Were going to see Dad!  (I was shocked - since he'd only been here once!  The first time he & Butch met, December 12th of last year!)
A Very Happy Finn & Butch~
It was frigid cold!  About 25 degrees with a blowing wind.  I know Finn recognized Maverick!  When he saw Butch get out of the truck & come towards us, I thought he'd take the door off the car!  Obviously, I'm now second fiddle.  

We drove over to Walnut, just a short distance away & stopped in a cute little bakery for hot coffee, hot coco & a yummy muffin.  The owner was kind enough to allow Finn inside too, we were the only customers.
Antique shopping~
We spend a fun afternoon, going through the warm antique shops & one cold barn!  We found a beautiful rusted, white rod iron trivet with a fur delis pattern.  I also found a real treasure, an amber glass swan figurine!
Amber Swan~
About the time we tell ourselves we are not buying another thing for the house; we see that thing we can't resist. By late afternoon, we drove over to what's become our favorite Mexican restaurant, Casa Mexicana in Avoca.
Finn & Butch~
We returned to Maverick & sat inside for quite a while talking.  It was after sunset by the time we decided I'd better head home.  When we left to visit the facilities, Finn stayed to guard the truck.
Finn in Maverick~
He was perfectly comfortable & I think he would have been happy to stay, at least until Butch started up the engine.  Sitting in a warm truck is fine - riding in a moving one - isn't!  Finn sat between Butch & I with his chin on Butch's lap, pouting.  He knew we'd be leaving Dad & he wasn't happy.
Can you find the Explorer?!
As we walked back to Maverick, I had to stop & get a photo of the Explorer!  My vehicle looked like Mini Mouse next to the semi's who'd moved in next door!  Walking across the parking areas, it just seems incredible to me all the resources it takes to keep our country supplied with goods!  One break in this chain & where would we be?  By the time I left, the lot was full to the brim with semis.

The trip home was uneventful, the best kind.  It will be a while before we see Butch again & he'll hopefully be traveling a lot of miles.  He loves the long open distances, but said the cities are always a challenging nightmare of avoiding drivers with no smarts.

Finn & I will be very happy when we see the big blue truck coming down our street again!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Short Trail Ride~

Butch had left early in the morning & was back on the road.  I decided a bike ride was what I needed & the weather was beautiful.  After reading the trail report from Silver City, riding the trail sounded better than the longer drive up to the lake.  

Mari Jo on the damp trail~
As I pulled in, I saw Mari Jo across the way, on her bike.  I hadn't called, since I'd decided to go last minute.  As we started off, Mari Jo amended what she'd written in her report.  Now, with the warming temperatures, she said the trail had softened.  I had the feeling, my goal of riding to the trestle was not going to happen.
The bridges were dry!  :-)
Just a few feet in, it was all too obvious the trail was not rideable.  At least not for me.  There were short sections that were dry, but for the most part, the trail was rapidly defrosting & soft best described the surface. 
Water in the creek~
It was a chore to make headway to say the least.  Reaching each bridge, it was a relief to have a few feet of hard surface before again tackling the grind & trying to make decent headway.  Smokey's tires were covered with the wet limestone grit sticking to the tread.
We turn back~
At about 2.5-miles, we turned back...  We were making ruts & it was certainly not my idea of fun.  Even if we'd made the Trestle, going back would take more effort than I'd have left to spend.
Soft section, harder section~
The surface doesn't look as bad as it was.  The tires were sinking in with every rotation of the pedals.  I'd made the same mistake last season & told myself then - I wouldn't do it again.  But the alure of the quiet countryside on a beautiful winter day - is hard to ignore.
Road Riding~
It was so laborious, Mari Jo suggested cutting out to the road when we arrived at the section that runs parallel to the trail.  I was more than happy to comply.  If I kept to the main track, it was as hard as concrete without too much loose gravel.

At least, as I returned to the Explorer at about five miles, I was physically tired & that was what I'd needed.  With a warmer than usual second half of February on the way, it won't be long before I'll be enjoying the Wabash again.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Perfect February Day ~

 February has arrived, I'm glad the short, cold days of January are over for another year.  February has started out mild & I'll take it!  The second was a nice day too, but I had appointments.  Saturday had been another gray day - so when the sun & blue sky appeared this morning - I loaded Smokey.

At the park & ready to leave~
Since riding along the South Omaha Bridge Rd. was so dirty the other day, I decided to forgo it & leave from inside the park.  Starting on the south side of the lake, my favorite part, kept me motivated.
Trail to myself~
Since it was Monday, I had the entire park mostly to myself.  The newly paved trail made riding a breeze.  
On the way to E. Lake Manawa Drive~
I took the old section of closed road to cut over to E. Lake Manawa Drive.  
Along E. Lake Manawa Drive~
Aptly named, this road & section of trail goes along the east side of the lake.  There are no views, you wouldn't know the lake was there. There's a light at the corner of Hwy 275, Veterans Memorial Hwy where I make a turn & cut over to take Wright Street past the north end of the golf course.

Today I made it all around the old campground without any remaining snow drifts to contend with.  Then it's back along the busy road until I turn off to the long stretch along Indian Creek.  (The west side of the lake.)
The west side~
If there's wind, this is where it usually makes riding a little tougher.  I was in luck today, hardly any wind at all, with what there was, coming from the west.  Much easier than riding into it!
Indian Creek - low!
The creek is still incredibly low.  Our third year of drought is in evidence everywhere.  There's no frazil ice floating down the Missouri this season.  The water level was within a foot of being too low for the power plants to power the generators.  Iowa is struggling with a host of issues brought on by a changing climate.
The lake still iced over~
Even the warming temperatures haven't been enough to open the ice over the lake.  I was more than happy to sit on the bench & enjoy the warmth of the February sun.  When I downloaded my stats from the ride, I'd only lost two miles of distance & I didn't miss them at all!