I looked out at the Woods during the height of the wind/rain event last weekend & the view wasn't what I'd expected... One of the dead trees on the far side of the creek, had come down. The last few gray days, continued the spell of big winds, cold & damp. Everyone was complaining - even the weatherman! Dismal - far from the taste of spring we had a week ago.
Regardless, I went out to see just how much work we'd have to do. I could hardly walk. My leg & both knees were giving me such fits, I was starting to wonder if my mobility will be more compromised than I've expected. Butch took me out for a meal & trying to keep up with his walk made me feel like a squaw - limping along behind :-(
Today~ |
But today - the sun returned! I could never move back to the never-ending gray days of WA now! I'm back to being a sun worshiper! Above, is the dead snag from the far side. The squirrels & racoons have a new bridge!
The second snag, down~ |
The one above really made me unhappy though! It managed to hit right on the exact center of the glass post cap on the signpost! It was broken to bits! (At least the post & sign weren't damaged.) When I was down there today, I found two pieces, but there should be at least two more, someplace. I'd emailed
Island Post Cap, but hadn't heard back, so I put in a call yesterday. My replacement was already in the mail! What a great service!
A miss! |
It did manage to miss one of my remaining, surviving Rhody's! As you can see in the photo below, there are two other big dead snags. I'm surprised they didn't come down too. I wanted to leave them up - but am now reconsidering. The honeysuckle was sucking the life out of these woods. At least the Walnut trees are healthy.
Two more to go~ |
Now, when navigating the woods & stepping over logs, I have to remember my left leg doesn't go up as far as it should. Instead, my foot hangs up on whatever I'm going over & the result is a faceplant.
The last week, Karen took a fall & managed to break her right arm. Doris fell too, but came away mostly unscathed. I told them both - we are done falling! Done! Spring is so close - I can smell it today! The greens are returning - none too soon!
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