March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December Arrives ~

 It's been cold, windy & dry.  I've been busy with seasonal decorating.  Every year I say I'll do less, but when the boxes come out, I end up doing it all. The Cabin comes first, since I enjoy it more in the winter months.

Christmas at the Cabin~
I'm using both bird feeders this season.  I put one down by the swing & the other is at its usual spot on the post just down from the Cabin. Now, if I could just keep the neighbor's cat from stalking the birds!  I've been chasing it off with the blower, when I have the blower handy.
11-27-23 Butch & Maverick - Stop & Go~
We used to have Vet checks for the horses on endurance rides, called; "Stop & Go".  When you arrived - your horses heart rate was checked by the Veterinary staff.  If it was within parameters - you were allowed to continue without a hold.  Butch did get a stop - but it seemed short.  The Go came fast!  He arrived Thanksgiving morning, delivered a load the day after & was dispatched out early Monday.  
From the Cabin~
I haven't had my bike out yet this month, but a couple warmer days are forecast for the upcoming week.  I miss the exercise & even miss mowing, now that it's over for the season! :-)  
The woods~
I did get the leaves raked off the trails in the past couple of weeks.  I was working by the creek & received my last sting of the season, just under my eye!  I have no idea what kind of bug it was, but it must be hearty to withstand the hard frosts we've received.
Straw over the flower bed~
When Butch was home, we picked up a bale of straw.  I spread it along the south fence, where the marigolds were.  I finally pulled the flowers & scattered the seed on the hill.  I'm hoping the straw will prevent any further runoff - if & when we see any rain.
12-1 Hazy sunshine & "antique" windsock~
I've also been looking at rescue dogs...  I'm still not sure I want another dog - but I do miss having a companion. While Butch was home, we went to the NE Humane Society & the Midlands Humane Society in Council Bluffs.  It's so very sad to see so many animals in need of homes. I've been looking on-line too - but any dog that seems like it might work for us - is usually adopted fast.  The shelters we visited were populated with at least 75% pit mixes.  There's lots of applications to fill out - just to qualify - a good thing.  I won't know if I want a dog, until I see it in person.  So far, no luck.  Then, there are days I ask myself why I would want to take on the responsibility again...  Maybe yes, maybe no...

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