It feels great to have the house somewhat together, in time for the holidays. Things seemed to take on a life of their own - finding a spot where they fit again :-) There were days when it seemed like we were moving backward more than forward with projects. Even so - when look back on what we've accomplished - in less than two-months - we could hold our own with
Fixer Upper! :-)
Our tree |
It's not that we still don't have plenty to do... baseboard, door jams, trim, main bath etc. A long to-do list is preferable to spending winter in the camper! Butch used the lights we'd purchased a couple year ago for the cottage. We only needed one more box to do the front of the house. Any work on the outside has come to a halt - probably till spring.
Cottage lights on the house~ |
Today, we visited a fireplace store outside Council Bluffs. Such fun talking with the owners. When they heard we have no family in the area - they extended an invite to Christmas Dinner! The people here have got to be some of the best anywhere.
My gift from Mary Ann~ |
We were sitting in the living room this morning - when the postman knocked at the door with a package. Inside was this beautiful handmade quilt from my friend Mary Ann. I am so thankful for those
forever friends. We left so many behind & miss them all so very much.
This is a difficult time for me... Missing those grand-kids & their parents terribly... Thinking of my Mom & wishing she were still with us... Grateful too - for the family & friends who support & love us as we do them~
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