I didn't even think to do my usual
yearly wrap up until this month - almost a year later! Looking back - I realize my last one was at the
Homestead in 2015. 2016 was so full of change - none expected or planned - but each in it's own way moved us forward on the path of life. We've been very blessed to have our family to love, friends to support us & opportunities to experience the beautiful places we have.
The year started out
normal enough. A
New Year's Day ride with our Traildusters Chapter of BCHW. The mild, but wet winter & spring gave me plenty of nice days of riding. Below - a photo of the first of the Trilliums.
By April, as usual, Farah & I had covered a whole lot of miles. Butch was working what by now had become his usual routine. Long hours on his job sites & even longer hours on the freeway commuting.
A friend wanted me to show her the way up to
Stimson Hill & I never had to be asked to make that ride.
A trip to Quincy & visit to the
Cave B winery with friends, was a highlight. We left camp in pouring rain - but it was so eerily beautiful it made memories I'll never forget. As Scott said; "Farah tried to kill you three times." He wasn't kidding - she'd even reared & struck out at him & his horse when he was holding her reins. It wasn't
her weekend...
4-29-16 On our way~ |
May, my mare redeemed herself & made us proud by accomplishing my other competitive goal, the Best Condition award at the
Mt. Adams endurance ride. Even with the shank, Butch had his hands full trotting her out at the Vet-in. She was ready & knew the name of this game!
5-21-16 Butch has his hands full, at the Vet-in~ |
As June rolled around, little did we know it would be our last
annual trip to Nehalem, OR. A week of bliss riding on the beach. Sandy & I had such fun! It was probably the last time Farah & her sire Ody will be together.
6-9-16 Connie & Farah, Sandy & Ody~ |
By late July,
change seemed to be happening daily. Getting the Homestead ready to sell, had us both working long hours. Butch would come home, load the truck & haul the boxes I'd packed to storage.
8-1-16 Grandson Ben & Butch on the construction site~ |
My trails were wiped out. No more riding from home. I was doing what so many horse people now do, trailering to ride. It seems we never appreciate anything enough - until it's gone...
8-7-16 Butch views the destruction ~ |
By September, with the
Homestead sold, packing, sorting, hauling, donating etc. was in full swing. We were constantly looking at the sales ads on-line, searching for a place to live, in the town we thought would suit us best.
As I've written before, the very hardest part was leaving the Grand-kids... Something we never though we'd ever do. Both the girls & their families visited & helped sort through everything as we
downsized. After so many years on an acreage - we filled two U-Haul trucks.
10-14-16 In Sheridan, WY |
Early October, we were on the
road to Iowa. The trip couldn't have gone any better, we stopped to visit family in Sheridan &
arrived in Glenwood right on schedule.
10-21-16 The Home Place |
With such a short time to find anything, we were very lucky. Our search resulted in a place we felt comfortable calling home. Two-weeks later I lost my Mother... We locked up & drove to Boulder, where we spent a week, before returning to Greenfield for services.
11-11-16 At the Greenfield Cemetery~ |
It was a sad time - but at least Mom lived long enough to know we'd arrived safely. She loved hearing all about the house & town. She was so happy to know we were in Iowa.
12-10-16 Our Tree~ |
December came, our first Christmas - at the
Home Place. As I write this, almost a year over-due, those months flew by. So many changes, in such a short time. It seems especially so, after many years of the seasonal routines in Washington. No wonder it's taken me a while to assimilate.
The last few years, were mostly about saddle time. This year riding took a backseat to everything else. It had only taken Farah a short while to settle into her new surroundings. It wasn't long before the two of us were back to enjoying our time on the trail & the beauty of the SW Iowa landscapes.
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