Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, January 30, 2017

A Mid-Winter Day~

No, it sure didn't feel like Winter today!  Sunshine, wonderful clear skies & temperatures that rose above 50 degrees!  I'd been invited to ride & couldn't go :-(  It would have been a longer drive, to what looked like a really nice area, so I hope I'm invited next time! Too much paperwork for me to do. :-(  I will be so very glad when I'm done with it all...
Farah on the move~
 By mid-afternoon we'd caught up & drove out to our storage to bag another couple weeks worth of supplement.  We always try to keep a large enough supply on-hand that if we're called away unexpectedly - Farah won't run out.

With a strong wind blowing, Butch brought our girl out & she was So happy to see us!  It made me feel bad - that our visits this month - have been so sporadic.  Farah also seems to have a better understanding with the crazy gelding in the run next to hers.  She was calm, cool & kicked back to enjoy a good  grooming.  He's as crazy an Arabian as I've ever seen, working himself up into a full body sweat every time we take her away.  Even when we close the door, we can here him tearing back & forth & whinnying...  A calming  supplement might help him.
Farah & Butch
It's hard to see, but Farah had a mouthful of grass & as she chewed - the wind blew it back at Butch :-)   We'd hoped to let her graze a little, but the ground here is so soft.  She left holes with each step - even without shoes.  The grass doesn't have the roots that you'd expect & is So slippery!

At least on the hill, she's learned to handle the slippery nature of the footing & the wind doesn't seem to bother her as much as it used to.  We checked out the indoor arena & it's very nice.  Here, I think I'll be doing more riding in it - so will have to make up a lesson plan for us both.  She seems to be thriving & has kept herself pretty fit - all good!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

32nd Annual Cathedral Flower Festival~

Our Glenwood Garden Club, had planned a trip to attend this incredibly beautiful event at the Saint Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha.  The sky was blue, sun was yellow & air was fresh, if chilly when we arrived!  We found a parking spot & were some of the first to be welcomed inside!  Several young men were available to lend a helping hand or arm to some of the more elderly attendees.  (The Cathedral Arts Project mission - is to bring the arts to the heart of the city.") 
Entrance to Saint Cecilia Cathedral~
 Very well organized, all the halls around the sanctuary were lined with exhibits!  Many of the vestibules too - were decorated with an amazing assortment of floral arrangements!  This year's theme was A Shared Story - Nebraska at 150-years. 
"There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before."  - Wilia Carher
 Each display had a informational board, explaining what the designs signified & what part of Nebraska's history was depicted.
Hanging from the ceiling!
 To be in such an amazing, historic place, so full of grace, with the choir singing & organ playing was almost dizzying in it's grandeur.
Such incredible mixing of perfect blooms~
 I took over 100 photos - just a few of the highlights here ~
One of the many informative signs~
 When Clara entered this room ahead of me, I heard her exclaim, but I certainly didn't expect to see a saddle!  Why not though!  Without horses, the ranchers would have had a much tougher job.
The depiction~
 It must take an army of volunteers to put these scenes together - the flowers were so fresh I just can't imagine the work it takes to grow them, have them bloom at the right time, deliver & arrange them all!
One of my very favorites :-)
 Without the cattlemen & ranchers, we'd all be wondering where the beef is :-) 
Impressive statistics~
 Many famous people were represented too...

The West!  I was surprised to see Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show!   Lookout Mountain, outside Golden, CO still claims to be his true resting place, but stories abound!
Bill would have been surprised!
 As the morning progressed - we worked our way around - Clara & I stopped many times to take photos.
One of the larger displays~
The Railroads - of course played a huge part in the growth of Omaha & our country.
Simply beautiful~
 Leaving the Cathedral, we entered the Msgr. Ernest Graham Building.  Here - we visited the Art Gallery & Gift Shop - where we purchased fresh cut flowers!  In the cafeteria, where large windows gave views of the surrounding neighborhood, we enjoyed a catered luncheon.  The hot chicken dumpling soup was perfect on a cold winter day!  If I mention the desserts...  yes...  We shared one of the huge, home made pecan rolls!
Looking at one end of the Church~
As we were driving in Omaha, with no traffic, I had to ask if we were in the center of town & we were.  Even with the new buildings & evident growth - it's still so easy to get just about anywhere.  Stop lights timed to turn green as you approach - no long waits & again I'm just shocked at how accessible things here are.   What an enjoyable day!

Thursday, January 26, 2017


From a cold & overcast morning - by 4 p.m. the sun had appeared.  On Thursday's, I've been invited to a bible study with several friends.  We all bring dishes to share for our lunch break, I'd made an apple cake!  It was mid-afternoon by the time I returned home & already the the temperature was dropping.
Windmill on the hill~
Butch was ready for a break from his projects.  With the thermometer showing below 30 & a good breeze making it feel even colder, we took the truck & drove out almost due east from town. 
Plumb of steam from the big power plant~
The gravel roads are in pretty bad shape, this last snow was a wet one, the wettest we've had so far this Winter.  More like a Washington snow - than the powder dry ones we've had.  Even the school buses had a tough time, a couple had to call the tow truck.  We took it easy - it was sloppy, slippery - but oh so pretty out there!
Glenwood Water Tower~
After having lived with trees for so long - it's easy for me to get back to loving the wide-open spaces!  I'd forgotten how claustrophobic I was my first couple years in WA.  Even after years there - I had days when riding on heavily forested trails, where I would feel too confined.  That doesn't happen here!
Late afternoon, blues & grays~
I didn't realize until we'd gotten home & I looked at the map - that if we'd gone north a block & then turned east again - we would have come up on the Wabash Trace Trail!  Once the roads get better,  can bring Farah out here & probably ride for miles, maybe even access the trail.  I've heard so many say they wouldn't ride it - so of course I want to!  I'm anxious to see it for myself - even if we have to get the bikes out there first!  :-)

We'd just drawn the drapes when there was a knock at the door.  One of our neighbors had gotten stuck in his driveway, so Butch got the tow straps & went over to pull him out.  Nika took the opportunity to sneak out the door.  Butch said it was a little embarrassing, as she would fly by every so often, but wouldn't come to him...  He parked the truck & was ready to shut the front door - when she came running up!  :-)  Even a Buhund thinks it's too cold to spend a night out!  (There's a reason they're only the 170th most popular dog!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Lookin' like Snow~

We've been spoiled - again...  No two ways about it!  That sunshine & warmth was deceptive.  So glad we got out & enjoyed it while it lasted!  Today, the clouds were back & we were back into the low 30's.

I met with Sue & for lunch in Council Bluffs & am very excited to be helping with the formation of a SW Iowa Chapter of BCHIA!  It will take some work, but state wide - we have one hundred members!  It's a start!  We're looking forward to the opportunity to meet other horsemen in our area!  This will also help me to get a start on what advocacy work I can do here for the AERC.
The Home Place ~
Butch was ready to walk by the time I got home, so out we went.  This is one of the prettiest parts we've found so far of Tinkle Branch Creek.  You can just see our place on the far side, through the trees.
View east - from the top of Townsend Street~
Above is the view from as far up the hillside as we can get from this street.
From the top of Arnold Street~
We walked another block south, then went up again to as far as we could go & I took this view looking a little Southeast toward highway 34.  The wind was blowing on the hilltop, my ears got cold!
Tinkle Branch Creek :-(
As you can tell from the photo above - taken in town - creeks are not a priority here - they're used more as a place to dump things...  So sad.
Taken from the SW corner of the Square~
Even on a gray, late January day, the town square has so much character.  Christmas music was playing during the holidays.  Now it's more mainstream tunes :-) 
Brick roads~
The brick roads just amaze me!  There are many still in use all over town, some with the herringbone pattern, others just laid in rows.  With all the years of wear & the weather - most are still holding up.  I'm sure it's the salt that's put down - that gives the brick it's white spots.
Our walk~
We only walked over two-miles today - it was cold, brisk & refreshing to be out & about.  The house was nice & warm when we returned - dinner is on!  Snow in the forecast - we'll see what tomorrow brings~

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Putting the "Twinkle" back in Tinkle Branch Creek~

We were so used to having a creek run through our property in Washington.  We felt extremely lucky our new home in Glenwood, borders a nice little creek.  We were having breakfast at The Gathering Place one morning when a neighbor came in.  Introducing herself - she told us the little stream had a name, Tinkle Branch Creek!  (Thank you Courtney for the twinkle idea!)
Our view of the creek area~
Today was just too beautiful!  Another day in the same week, where the temperature reached a wonderful 50+ degrees!  We should have walked, but instead drove to the Gathering Place for conversation & lunch, before returning home.  Butch is working on the walls in the master bath - I'd planned to work opening all our boxes of books & getting them in the bookcases.  Instead, I grabbed my loppers & walked down to the creek.
Catbrier or Greenbriar  -Both short tiny & long thorns~
We have these nasty vines.  The only plant I've tangled with so far, with both thorns & tendrils.  The tendrils wrap them selves around anything they come in contact with.  I had a rude surprise the first time I grabbed one to pull it out of a tree.  I didn't see the tiny, sharp thorns!  It grows in a clump, sending out several shoots - similar to blackberry.  The new growth is thread thin & weaves tendrils into other shrubs - making it difficult to spot - until it sticks you!  I pulled one out over ten-feet long!
This shows the green of the thorn covered vines, weaving through the shrubs.
Even once I had them cut at the base, it was very difficult to pull them out of the other bushes.  I wanted to get them cut back as much as I could...
Dumping ground~
The banks of the creek have been used as a dumping ground for anything whoever was too lazy to haul away.  Once the leaves were gone, I could see the trash.  I'd tried to get down & pull some out - but everything was frozen to the ground.   With the fence due to go in one of these days, it would be easier to get the stuff hauled out now.
Reed Canary Grass~
The Reed Canary Grass here too, does it's best to choke out the natives along the banks of the creek.  I hope to keep it cut back & eventually see what native plants I might get started here.
My final collection of trash for the day!
By the time the sun was getting lower in the sky, the temperature was dropping with it & I'd had enough!  We ended up with quite a collection to haul away!  Butch said I might want to re-do the fabric on the glider frame?  I don't think so!  :-)  Nika's favorite find was a deer skull with antlers!

It's a start! I hope in a few years I'll have photos to post - showing the changes we've made. Time will tell~

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Wednesday was a perfect day!  Sunshine & the temperature coming right up to 50 degrees!  Not what we'd expect for a mid-January day!  We decided to take a long walk & headed up the hill somewhat to the southwest of us.  It's steep going, but worth the view from the top!  I wish I'd remembered my Garmin!
Looking West
We enjoyed it so much, on Thursday we started out again.  (With my Garmin!)  It was a gray, overcast day - so our plan was to see how far it would be to circle the square :-)  We'd thought of going up to the park by way of the bridge by the High School, but the trail to get there was mud.  Instead we stuck to sidewalks.
It was fun to find this U.S. Geological survey marker.  Te town sits at well over 1,000 feet above sea-level.  This particular marker was dated 1955.
Horse head~
There's an interesting older house just up from the town square we want to ask about.  It was full of antiques & must have been something of a museum at one time.  The design of the iron horse head was one I haven't seen.
Tub/fountain/watering tank?
The iron tank above was really interesting too.  We were both thinking watering tank, but with the centerpiece, it had to be more of a fountain?
Stained glass above the side door~
The stained glass panel really stood out against the bright red brick of the house.  When we do go visit the museum, we're going to ask about this place.  We talk about how tempting it would be to buy & fix one up.  Here - we are ready to take life at a somewhat slower pace.  Still fun to think about - we've always loved the challenge of fixing things up :-)  Plenty of that left to do at home!
Our route~
Our walk covered 3.3 miles - from the house - round-trip.  We stopped to look at several vacant homes that are for sale.  The largest realtor in town has spent years buying up some of the older homes, fixing them up & re-selling them.  It's so sad when you see such well-built old houses sliding into disrepair.

Back home, we dropped Nika off & drove over to the Keg Creek Brewery for a cold beer!  The Vine Street Cellars on the square is open again - we'll have to see if they have warm wine next time.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Winter Wonderland~

Yes, we've experienced our first ice storm & thankfully the worst of it missed us!  Even so, it made for some wonderful photos!  Since I'd blanketed Farah for the ice storm - today - with warmer temperatures on the way - it was time for the blanket to come off.  The farm where Farah is boarded is at the top of the hill.
Fishing hut on the pond~
I love seeing the changes at the pond every time we go by.  As I told Butch;  "He must be catching fish?"   Butch;  "It's all about the fishing!"  OK, so I don't know, but our last trip he was sitting out on a chair - this time - there's the hut!   Things were pretty melted in town, but once we were out in the country - it was like entering a different world.  People on the local Facebook page were mentioning the terrible condition of the gravel roads & I was surprised when the truck slid.  If there's enough rain & ice, even gravel becomes slippery.
We're good!
Farah heard us coming & put her nose over the rails - then decided to go out into her run!  I stood inside her stall & said;  "Carrots?"  My very good girl turned & came right back into the barn!   Her blanket did have some frozen ice pellets on it - but otherwise the gold girl survived her first ice storm in fine shape :-)
Back we go~
Once the blanket was off, carrots fed & grooming done, it was time to put her back.  Her tail is actually thickening up!  (The Show Sheen, in my tote, in the tack room, was frozen solid!)  It's still hard though - to leave her...  Nice to not have the chores, but strange to have her living away from us.  The longest the two of us have gone without a ride since we've been together. 
This hay still looks so different!
It may look different, but there's lots of green in there & she's doing just fine on it!  It was nice to come in & see that she's getting plenty.  Her weight looks great & her condition has remained constant.
Ice on the branches~
It's still quite amazing to me to see what the rain does when it freezes on everything!  I was hoping that the sun would cut through the layer of clouds, but that didn't happen until later in the afternoon.
Everywhere I stepped, there was the crunch of ice under foot.
Icy lace in the trees~
Such a different beauty - icy, cold,  but so interesting!  Actually it wasn't even as cold as we've had - with the temperature hovering at a mild 30. 
Even the evergreens were dripping with ice!  We'd had a couple brushes with ice in Washington state over the years, but this is totally different.  When it was raining - I looked out to see the drops hit the hood on the Bronco, then freeze as they started to puddle!
Butch & the truck wait~
Sometimes we feel like a strangers in a strange land - but that doesn't mean that we don't appreciate the differences!  Today, when we were talking of 30 feeling mild - we knew that we're adjusting well - to Winter anyway!  Another step closer to becoming true Iowans!  :-)

Friday, January 13, 2017

An Ending~

Another road-trip, which coincided to the week, with the last time I saw Mom a year ago.  Back to Boulder to finish closing Mom's home.  After almost 50-years, it's not hard to imagine how much work was left to do.  We had the help of our daughter Courtney & my sister Laura during the November trip.
Mom's backyard~
The wait for the attorney to get the paperwork in order, is taking quite a while.  Dad's estate was handled quickly.  The difference between a small town attorney who actually cares & a large city firm.  We had to watch the weather too - finding a window of opportunity in January is always a challenge.
Oregon Grape~
I came down with a awful cold while we were still on the road...  No fun, but the drive out was smooth, clear & cold.  We used Google Maps to try a different route coming in & ended up on a newer toll road.  The first exit I recognized was for Louisville.  It was dinnertime & any excuse is a good excuse to eat at the Blue Parrot.
The famous sign~
 We were seated, ordered our spaghetti & soon found out after 97-years in business this iconic, family owned & operated restaurant, will close the end of this month.  Any time family came to visit - Blue Parrot was our dinner destination!  Many was the Sunday afternoon, we'd meet Mom & Dad for a meal.  I was here for dinner the night before our youngest was born!

The closer we got to the mountains, the deeper the snow.  The star was lit on the Mountain, Butch enjoyed seeing it!  By the time we turned onto Mom's street the snow was over 8" deep.  Some of the neighbors had taken advantage of Mom's street parking, so we pulled the truck onto the snow covered driveway.  Walking into the house again - was hard.  We spent a jam packed three-day's sorting, hauling & cleaning.  The weather warmed, the snow melted fast & high 40's felt positively warm!
Goodby Chevy~
I'd listed Mom's Chevy on Craig's list, but the only interest was from scammers.  We ended up donating it to a charity that helps children.  It was an uncomfortable car to drive, but had taken Mom safely on many road trips!

As someone mentioned the other day, it's not the items, it's the memories associated, that makes it so difficult to part with them.  There were lots & lots of items & lots & lots of memories...
Watering can & Coyote~
The wood box above had been on the back porch forever, holding Mom's gardening tools.  (Dad had built it as a toy box for me.)  The water can's history is lost, but not it's usefulness.  Dad had made the Coyote - these items came home with us.
Leaving the house, for the last time, was a somber feeling.  My ties to childhood, Boulder & Colorado all gone now...  I was so lucky to have had the experience of living in such a great town, back when it was only a college town.  Now, huge cranes are in the air, construction of new mixed-use, high density buildings going on everywhere.  I hardly recognize where I am & the population has crested a million.
Julesburg, CO Rest Area~
 With weather coming in behind us, we were glad to be back on the road & heading home.  It was about 20 degrees when we stopped for a short break outside Julesburg. Again, we had smooth sailing on our return trip.
Friday, we spent unpacking.  I brought home Mom's kitchen table for the craft room.  Once it was set up, I sat down...  I could almost picture Mom sitting across from me...