Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, May 17, 2020

End of the Wabash~

My plan, was to ride the last section of trail, from Shenandoah to the end of the Wabash Trace, Blanchard, IA.  The weather was less than cooperative with winds gusting 20-30 mph.  We left home around noon for the hour drive down.  Last weekend we'd ridden to Ike's, but I wanted to leave again from Shenandoah.
Leaving Waubonsie Park, Shenandoah~
Butch took the above photo, before leaving for Blanchard.  There, he'd unload his bike & ride the trail toward Coin.  Our plan was to meet on the trail.  I had 5-miles to Ike's, 7.5 to Coin & 5.4 to Blanchard. 
Trail signage~
There are only a few of the Wildlife Refuge signs that aren't totally rusted now.  I have to laugh - I guess the animals are aware the Refuge is very linear!  I did spook a nice big white tail doe!
Along both sides of the trail - beautiful blooms of pink!
All the blooming flowers were the highlight of the trip.  The wind though - was awful.  Most of way hitting from the side, but occasionally I'd get some forward thrust when a blast would hit from behind.
Tarkio River Crossing~
The trail was really beautiful, more lush greens.  The gray skies added a foreboding mood to otherwise beautiful scenes of the countryside.
Welcome sign in the tree!  5-miles to Coin!
The trail outside Shenandoah had been just fine, with a nice, just slightly softer surface.  But from about this point on, it became just a bit sticky.  Not enough so to mark the trail surface, nor attach to my tires, but enough to add to the effort.
Phlox billowing in the wind - outside Coin!
I was excited to see we were entering the edge of Coin!
Nice picnic area~
The camping & picnic area for trail users was really nice.  I was expecting to see Butch at any time from here on out & disappointed he wasn't here.
Butch found a handy bench!
It wasn't a mile further - when up ahead I could just see a silver bike!  Sure enough - my husband!  He had navigated the five-miles of trail out from Blanchard - into the wind!  Not only was he fighting the wind, but the trail was stickier than before.  Obviously, they'd had more rain here.
Last leg to Blanchard~
We shared a small bag of chips, before continuing on.  After a couple miles I was even more impressed with Butch's ride, it was straight & somewhat monotonous.
The END!
Butch put me back in the lead, well before we arrived at the end, so I'd have the full effect :-)  It did seem a little strange, after having ridden all the continuing sections of the trail, to have it suddenly stop!
Connie & Speedy!
We rode the couple blocks to where the State Line signage is.  After all, I for sure wanted a photo to mark the occasion!  The trail is really beautiful all the way to Coin, but the long, flat stretch to the end is really not that fun.
Butch & Silver~
It had taken me just over 2.5 hours to cover the 18.07 miles, with my average moving speed 7.5.  Better than I'd expected with the wind.
Blanchard Trailhead~
The Blanchard Trailhead hadn't seen any mowing, or probably any activity in a while.  Butch had the truck parked just up from where I took this photo.  We waded through the knee high weeds & loaded the bikes for the trip home.
Google view of the trails end~
We were both starved! Tobey Jack's was our destination for dinner.  We're still enjoying the novelty of sitting inside a restaurant.  My quest to ride the entire trail - in sections - is now accomplished.  Since I started bike riding again - April first, I've ridden just over 165-miles.  It looks a little funny on my Garmin stats to see the switch from horses to a bike - but I'll take it - it's a ride!

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