March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Badlands National Park~

We decided since our trip to WA was cancelled, we'd take a long weekend & drive to WY.  Leaving early on Friday morning - we pulled into Sheridan by late afternoon.  Our couple days visiting family - as usual - went by way too fast.

On the trip back, I really wanted to take the Badlands detour.  We've managed to visit this park a few times over the years.
Our first stop to admire the view~
The day was cool & overcast.  We'd driven through a few rain showers on the way.  Pulling up to the Park Entrance, there was a short line of cars.  The entry fee was $30.  I'd forgotten to bring my Senior National Parks & Federal Recreational Lands Pass...  When I mentioned it to the lady at the booth, she offered to save us $10, by purchasing a senior yearly pass!  There was a slight delay while a small herd of Bighorn Sheep crossed the road.
July, 1970
 This was my fourth trip through the Badlands.  The first was above, when we took a scenic detour on our way from CO to IA to visit my Grandmother. The pilot was a Viet Nam Vet, as was Courtney's father.  At a year-old she flew under her father's arm, feet hanging out the door, giggling the entire time!  (You can just see her foot at the far left.)  Since the guys were reminiscing about Viet Nam, we had a totally off-the-charts amazing flight!  That ride hooked me on helicopters!

The second time was in 1986, now living in WA - the four of us - were returning home from Grandma's.  Courtney took the photo below.
Butch & Connie - August 1986
 The third time, Jentry & I left Butch in WA, working on the Homestead (our first year there) & left for another Iowa road-trip!  Both of these visits, we had the park literally to ourselves.  It was far from a popular destination in those days.
Jentry & Sunny - 6-1990
Sunny made two round-trips to Iowa over the years - on this trip - Grandpa John found room to put my old saddle in the back!
It was a perfect day to tour the park.  High overcast & moderate temperatures, neither common in this country.  I was amazed at all the people there.  Every pull-out was full of cars.  There were many more places for cars to park than in the past.   With fewer people traveling - I'd not have wanted to visit on a busy day!  There was also informative signage that had not been there in the past.  Thanks to AZ & CA, the dark of night - when the stars shown brilliantly - is no more :-(
Capturing the colors~
I have such a reverence for this country.  A land of such stark contrasts, rugged & remote beauty...
No respect~
I was incredibly saddened by the rampant disregard of park rules we saw everywhere.  At almost every stop - people were leaving the walkways & taking off across the landscape for that perfect selfie...  At one place, a Dad with a young girl - let her walk right up to the edge & sit dangling her feet off the side.   The landscape was damaged in many, many places.  Everywhere we looked, people we going off trail with no regard.  It would have taken an army of Rangers, one at every stop, to control the hoard of visitors...

As were were leaving, I saw a helicopter in the air!  Just as I mentioned it to Butch, he was pulling in to the heliport parking!  (It was already getting late in the day & though I'd tried to lobby for an extra day, my husband planned to drive us on home this night.)
In the Air!
Black Hills Aerial Adventures is the same company I'd ridden with back in 1970!  Only one other couple was waiting for a ride.  Our wait was short - we signed up!  This was a bigger bird than the little Bell's I'd flown in before.  We stood on a weight scale together - a first for us! :-)
Robinson R-44
A four-seater, we had it to ourselves.  Our pilot Mark introduced himself & handed us headsets, which we adjusted to both hear & talk back & forth.
Up, up & away!
I can't even describe how much fun it is to fly in one of these!  I must have had an ear-to-ear grin the entire time!
Mark told us that somewhere down there, his wife was hiking & asked if we'd want to go look for her?  Of course we did!  Down we went!  Tree top flying - if there had been any trees!  :-)
Swooping low over the canyons~
Suddenly, Butch said;  "I see her!  She's waving!"  Sure enough, she was just a tiny speck in that huge, magnificent landscape!  I can't imagine hiking there without either being on a marked trail or with a map & compass.

I did remember - eventually - to use the video!  We were flying at about 3,000 feet.  Winds were light, but it's fun - when you feel the helicopter respond - as the pilot handles the controls. Mark mentioned that just the day before, he'd had to climb to 5,000 ft. to avoid the turbulence.  The increase in elevation gave the customers a smoother ride.
Coming in for a landing~
By the time we returned, there were several more cars in the parking lot.  We'd timed our ride perfectly!
Back on the ground~
We stopped for dinner in Mitchell.  By the time we pulled into the driveway at home - we'd covered 1,670 miles & it was just after midnight.  Too short a trip, but really fun!

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