Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wheeling Through Heat~

Working outside this week, it's been pretty miserable.  Sad thing is - the weatherman says it will only get worse.  It's that time of year :-(  I'd decided since today was to be the coolest for a long, long time, I would ride!

I had a few chores to do first & was cleaning up the back deck when I picked up my little lantern off the table.  In less time than I could blink - I was being stung on my right forearm by wasps!  I swung the cleaning cloth to get them off my arm & ran for the spray!  It's crazy how much these stings hurt!  I was stung about this time last year too, cleaning the hanging lantern on the front porch!  You'd think I'd learn?  I slathered Mineral Ice on my arm & drove out to Silver City.  My plan, was to ride to Malvern & visit Butch, before returning to Silver City.
Leaving Malvern~
 Did I mention it was hot?  90 when I left Silver City with the dew point in the low 70's.  The shade felt cooler - but there the humidity goes up!  I've learned that within the next few weeks - the corn crops begin to sweat!   Oh joy!
Growing Corn!
 It was - as always - beautiful.  Even the colors, seem to be stronger/richer!   I only saw two other riders the entire trip.  The same couple wearing masks - I'd seen last week!  How they wear masks & ride in the heat is beyond me.
Speedy with her new saddle.
The bugs are out full-force now...  I was lathered with spray, but even so, had tiny bites under my Garmin within the first few miles.  At the underpass of Hwy 34, someone had planted Yellow Coneflowers!  They were everywhere & so bright & beautiful!  I had to go get a photo & returned with Chigger bites to go along with all my other miseries.
Yellow Coneflower~
 The big fans were going when I arrived at Agriland!  I took one all for myself :-)  Butch took me on a little tour with one of the guys golf carts!  We whizzed here & there while I sipped a coke.  It was a bit difficult to start back.  I love the trail, but the heat had continued to climb!  We've also had our share of the Saharan dust in the air - giving a milky look to the sky.
Blow down from the last storm~
 We'd received .50 inches of rain the other night & with it some good winds.  Even so, we're still well below average for rainfall.  When I came to the Grade B road on my way south, I was enveloped in a cloud of tiny blue butterflies.  I tried to get a photo, but they were too fast!
Holly Blue Butterflies~
 On my way back, I walked up very slowly & quietly to get the above photo.  Within seconds they were back in the air & oh so pretty!
Back at the trestle over Silver Creek~
 The rains contributed to the muddy condition of the water.
I'd covered over 16-miles & was back in Silver City before Butch arrived.  Mary Jo was sitting out at Happy Trails & motioned me to come in!  I was soaked to the skin.  Mary Joe said I needed to realize black pants were not appropriate riding attire for Iowa summers!  Once home, the pants came off & the tops of my thighs were covered with heat rash.  I like wearing longer tights, to try to keep the bugs at bay, but will try a lighter color next time :-)  Our heat index is due to climb into the triple digits next week.  Much as I like getting out, I think I'll pass!  I'd taken two electrolytes the entire trip.  I thank my friend Mary, up in heaven & always think of her when I take them.

Note:  Thursday, I had to go in to the Doctor's office.  My arm has swelled to twice it's size & I didn't sleep a wink - too much itching!  I'm on prednisone for a week & have boxes of anti-itch cream!

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