March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Helmet Heat~

Today, was a milder summer day - I can now say - after experiencing just how hot things can get!  Mary Jo had talked me into doing some helmet shopping last week.  I ended up with a white, Bontrager Solstice MIPS.  Lots of vents & harness keeping the top of the inside of the helmet just off your head.
Speedy on the trail~
 I left from Silver City, thinking a 16+ mile round-trip would be more than enough.  The humidity wasn't as bad as it has been, but still more than I like.
The sign is Speedy's color!  :-)
 I had to stop to get a photo of Speedy by this sign.  Every trip past, I'd planed to - today was the day.  It wasn't long until my hair was soaked.  I took the helmet off while we were in the shade, but was already wishing I hadn't worn it.
On the trestle~
Wonderful, so much of this trail is shaded.  I'm sure that's why it remains popular even on the hottest days.  I only passed one couple going the opposite direction.
Track overhead - nearing Malvern
 Butch was gone driving an activity, so I didn't stop at Agriland.  I'd had a rattle most of the trip on Speedy.  I stopped a couple times checking the fenders etc., When I parked for the photo above, I realized it was the kickstand!  So loose it was ready to fall off the bike.

I remembered Little Red's Service, where we'd taken the Bronco.  Once in town - I rode that direction & saw that the garage doors were wide open & Don was working inside.  He was kind enough to come right over.  Hearing my problem - he grabbed tools & tightened it right up!  Thanks Don!
At the Depot in Malvern~
 I stopped in the shade by the Depot for a short break before taking the trail back.  One rider stopped to ask me how far it was to the next town.  When I told him almost 14-miles, he replied he had done that once & had to be picked up.  I didn't ask where he come from.
Open views~
 It was even warmer on the way back.  The sweat was running down my head & my t-shirt was soaked.  I wanted to take the helmet off, but was too miserable to think about using a bungy to attach it to the rack.
In the deep timber~
The very tall, green & growing plants above are stinging nettles!  No way do you want to walk through there!

Once in Silver City, Mary Jo was sitting out.  We went into the shop, I took the helmet from my head & told her I was done with it!  She picked it up, then went to her shelves & brought back another helmet.  Black :-)  I just looked at her - it was the color that had started all this & what my original was!  I did try it on.  The Limar 560 Superlight was 1/2 again lighter than the Solstice & had even more venting.  We'll see how I feel about it my next hot ride!

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