March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Speedy has a Screw Loose!

We finally had rain!  It started early this morning - hit from the north - with wind so strong the rain was coming in waves!  Lightening too - that took part of a tree about a block away & put it through the roof of a house...  In Glenwood we had 2.5 inches!  I could see the water in the creek, from the house.
From the Trestle - Silver Creek~
 We lost power for just a moment.  I went to matt-making this morning, we're working toward our  500th matt!  After a fun lunch with Laura & Karen, I decided to call Mari Jo & see what condition the trail was in.  Silver City hadn't even had a quarter inch of rain!  The Wabash would be sticky, but still rideable.  Malvern, on the other hand, had received four inches of rain!  The question would be -  how the trail was - further south.

It was just after 2 p.m. as I left Silver City.  After only the first mile, Speedy had an annoying rattle?  I stopped several times to see if I could find a reason, but there didn't seem to be anything amiss.
On the trestle~
 At the trestle, I could tell things were much wetter than in Silver City.  I continued on, meeting one other rider, heading north.  I asked him if the underpass at Hwy 34 was clear of mud & he confirmed it was OK.  A bit embarrassing, to be rattling along on Speedy.
Stinging Nettle Bloom~
 This beautiful bloom caught my eye!  Such a pretty color, I think it's a stinging nettle.  The sun broke through the clouds & as it did, the heat soared!  By the time I reached Agriland, I was soaked with sweat.  Butch was waiting for me, he'd wondered if I'd be able to get through.  I circled him - Speedy making the rattling noise.
The Problem~
 My husband had Speedy upside down in no time & had assessed the problem.  A loose screw attaching the fender to the frame.  It's amazing the screw was still there, after eight miles of limestone.
Butch works on Speedy~
 Speedy was a bit embarrassed, but handled it with aplomb. :-)
Rear tire back in place~
 With the tire back on, Butch noticed the brake pad on the left side, was rubbing on the rim.  No wonder it had felt a bit more difficult peddling - which I'd attributed to the sticky trail.  The brakes are floating in place.  With several adjustments & a trial ride around the parking area, we were back on the trail.  Sunny, my 3i,  had disk brakes, which I like better but aren't available on the 7D.
Heading north on the concrete~
 Back on the concrete, Speedy was quiet as a mouse.  No more rattle, rattle!  I'm still not sure the brakes are as they should be & Butch is going to do some research, but at least the pad wasn't rubbing on the rim.
Speedy & the countryside~
We stopped on the trestle just long enough for me to take a drink of water & one more electrolyte.   That's when I noticed we had a hitchhiker!
Our hitchhiker!~
A beautiful one at that!  I don't know the species, but he was determined to ride along.  Even after I got on & started down the trail, it took him a second to fly away.

Butch met me at Silver City.  I'd covered 17-miles in two-hours.  Speedy now has over 350-miles to her credit!  Most all on limestone & carried on the bike rack over the bumpy country roads to get to the trailhead.

The corn is starting to sweat & I've done a lot of it myself!  I told Mary Jo not to expect me if we get into the triple digits in the next couple weeks.  As much as I like riding - that kind of heat/humidity is no fun!


  1. We're taking our first big bike tour tomorrow. Someone with a bike rack is picking us up and we'll go to the Rhein river and then ride to Holland. Holland is so flat I wouldn't need my ebike but I'm happy to have it, I'm gonna go shopping and fill up my bike's basket with snacks. I'm really excited about this! We're supposed to find 47 caches on this tour. 47 is a nice number.

  2. I'll have to watch for your post! Sounds like such fun!


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