March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Riding from the Morgan Horse Club~

Saturday was a busy day.  Linda & I had planned to leave for the eastside, but I was invited to stay over.  Unknown to me, my friends were networking, in the hope of finding someone local who would be a good match for Farah.

A huge load of hay had been delivered, Farah's shoeing had taken a while too.  An old BCHW acquaintance stopped by to chat & admire Farah.  He & his wife are almost ready to replace aging mounts.  They are one of the few couples, who still pack into the back country.  After his departure, the trailer truck & trailer were by the barn, ready to go!  Barb packed snacks, we were going to ride!
Farah, back in black!
Every aspect of being with Farah, every moment, is golden.  Tacking her up with her own tack - was a pleasure.  Our only issue came, when I asked her to take the bit.  For the first time ever - she refused - clamping her teeth.  Barb looked over questioningly?  I had to take my time, talk softly & good girl she is, she accepted.  We laughed, watching as Farah realized the bit was hers & started to lick & chew.  I used the new little cell phone pouch Joyce made for us - for the first time!  It worked Great!  Very quick & easy to pull my phone out for photo ops!
Obscured views~
Once we'd gone through the woods surrounding the camping area, it was like a different world.  Over four-years - things change.  We both remembered this clear-cut.
An eerily quiet day~
We moved on across it & an upper part of what had been such a beautiful forested trail was still there.
On the trail through the woods~
I never ask for a destination when I'm riding with Barb &/or Scott!  It would almost be sacrilege, having never been on anything but amazing rides with them!  My mind went into a time warp - I would have been happy if it had lasted forever.
Barb has the "clip & go" down pat!  :-)
It's been so very dry, the branches of the trees had curled & dropped low.  I wished for my clippers, but TSA would not have approved.
The infamous bridge~
Barb wanted us to check out the trail going to the bridge Farah & I had fallen off of back in June of 2014.  I actually spotted the turn - emblazoned in my memory.  The bridge had been removed & placed off to the side, shortly after our accident.

A new trail had been cut around the creek/washout bed.  Now, someone had put the bridge back across...  Probably a bike rider.  Much too dangerous now, it becomes another item on Scott & Barb's long list - removing it yet again!  We'd had a big work party & cleared the trail to look like a freeway - but years of growth have obscured it again.
Farah waits~
Farah has never forgotten either.  When we've come to the area, she lets me know, she does not want to go that way!   We did cowgirl up & do the new trail with Joyce - but both of us were nervous wrecks until we were safely past the spot!
A smoke filled sky~
Above is one of my favorite & most beautiful areas of the climb.  Especially in the fall with the huckleberry & vine maples turning color.  The views off to the east are amazing too.
Farah listens~
With the blackberries finally ripe, the Bears are about!  We stopped for our lunch break in the clear-cut area below, where Scott had installed tie rings into the big stumps.  He now has to paint them a matt color, to prevent people from spotting them, pulling them out & stealing them.  You've got to wonder at the mind-set of people who do these things?
Rio & Farah wait~
Rio long ago made it plain to Farah - she is ignored :-)  So dry - nothing either horse was interested in munching on.  The apples Barb brought sure hit the spot though!  I got a dirty look for feeding Rio Farah's apple core :-)  We watched as the smoke came & went.  Once in a while you could just see the outline of the peaks, but then even that would disappear...
The Sun~
It reminded me of the day Linda & I rode just before a big earthquake hit.  The quiet was palpable...
We turned back, about 1-1/2 hours to return to the trailer.
Our route~
Once back, I discovered my knees really didn't think I needed to drop to the ground from the saddle.  I used the trailer fender for the first time ever to dismount!  All the bike riding I've done & my knees said;  "No"!  :-)

We were just a little later than Scott had expected us to return :-)  Pizza sounded like a really good idea!


  1. Brings back many memories of growing up in rural Conn., yes Conn. We could ride for miles and many times got lost, I always hoped we would see some Indians, Unquowa Indians in that area. That was70 years ago, now full of houses and buildings, only those memories exist. Jette was my 1st horse, a morgan, really has good times. I had to change to a Bike, now an ebike, but I still love to explore anything new.

  2. Wonderful memories- I will be following your lead - I pray. I think our youth was spent in the last of the "Golden Days" on planet earth ~


Always Welcome~