A sunny day! Very little wind! The only day in the next several without 20-30 mph winds forecast. Last night our temperatures dropped into the mid-teens. Just to remind us, too early to put out plants!
I'd planned to ride to Agriland/Malvern to visit Butch & maybe ride back?! But - Butch had an activity to drive & would be gone all day. When I mentioned my plan to Mari Jo, she said something to the effect that maybe I should bite off a slightly shorter length of trail, before taking on 16-miles. We decided on a round-trip to the underpass at Hwy 34. This would be four-miles longer than I'd ridden to date.
On the Wabash - our bikes wait~ |
It was Cold! Maybe mid-40's but enough wind to drop the
feels like several degrees. Insulated pants & layers. I mentioned to Mari Jo, I've been used to having a 1,000 lb.
heater under me :-)
Speedy & me on the Silver Creek Trestle~ |
The arch of my left foot, wants to rest on the peddle, rather than the ball. Using the ball of my foot, brings my knee further up & it's very uncomfortable. That's what happened on the long hill grade Sunday. I decided to just let it be & try to use the foot correctly at least part of the time.
Mari Jo, on the Malvern side of the underpass~ |
It was sweet to turn back north, it put the cold wind from the south to our backs. I took an extra break, but finished! A twelve-mile round-trip, now under Speedy's tires! Next - four-more for the Agriland round-trip! Our weather has been all over the place, so we'll see when the next window of opportunity will be.
The bridge in place!
It was almost five when we returned. Mari Jo left for home - a whole two-blocks :-) I walked up onto the concrete to see the new bridge!
Beautiful! |
There's still a lot of back-fill & finish work to be done. The deck will be concrete.
The Bronco & Speedy, ready to leave town~ |
Tomorrow is the opening of
Happy Trails! The trail should see a lot of use over the Easter holiday, even with the bridge still closed.
My little walk over to see the bridge, was probably a good idea. I was gimping quite a bit. The good news though - when I looked at my Garmin stats. My average moving speed, since the 19th, has increased by 1.5 mph. It's motivating to see improvement!
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