This year, we'd made reservations at
Hotel Greenfield for Sunday night. Last week, the Hotel called, they'd had one staff member come down with Covid-19. That person was self isolating at home. We didn't see any reason to cancel the reservation. We were looking forward to having an extra day to spend in my home town.
Butch took Hwy 34 into Creston. Our first trip in the red truck. It was a gorgeous afternoon! The cemetery stands out by the height of it's large grove of ancient Eastern Cedars. Impossible to find, unless you know it's there.
On the horizon~ |
This years weather has been totally different from last. Much cooler temperatures & more rain. Everything was green & lush. The peonies' had buds, but weren't open yet. The huge lilac - on the other hand - was magnificent. It smelled like heaven.
Where my maternal Grandparents & Great-Grandparents are buried~ |
The emerald greens do such a stately job of marking the four corners of our family plot.
The Big Sky~ |
They continue to survive the mowers, weedwhackers, bitter cold & heat. Grandma planted the peonies. The white one Butch & I planted last year survived! The plastic ring we put around it took a beating, cut clear through in places, but it saved the plant! We may drive over next week, just so I can
see those blooms.
Grove of Eastern Red Cedars~ |
The circle of cedar trees have been gradually engulfing the oldest of the grave stones. We had a naturally occurring circle of trees in the
Homestead woods, too. I've always thought of them as special places.
Next, we drove on to Greenfield. By now, the clouds were rolling in & it was obvious the weather was ready to change. Here, Butch always places new flags for my Dad & brother. I was really happy with the grasses I'd found for the vases. Blowing in the wind, I loved the motion they added. I think Mom would have liked them.
Where my parents & brother are buried. |
It's some what sobering to think most of the family I knew as a child & young adult are now gone. Great-Grandma used to tell me the story of how her team of horses were spooked on a trip to town, by an automobile! The impressions they made on my life are everlasting...
My paternal Grandparents & Great-Grandmother~ |
This is now the second year that the flags were not flying. There are so many - with no facility large enough to dry them all - if they were to get wet in the rain. I'm thankful our
first year here - Butch & I were able to see the entire display.
I was tired by the time we arrived at the Hotel to check-in. We were welcomed by our first names & told we were the only guests. Small town hospitality - to keep the hotel open for us. We were filled in with the recent happenings in town & sent to two places I miss not having in Glenwood.
"Red" in front of the Hotel~ |
The clouds were almost black & the rain had just started. At the
Grand Theater, we picked up two bags of the freshest, best tasting kettle corn ever! Right out of the pot! Even with the theater closed for movies, the owner came up with the idea of supplying fresh popcorn!
Me at the Grand, with a Big Bag of Popcorn! |
Our next stop, a few blocks away - a VIDEO store! WoW! We could hardly believe our luck! Hundreds of movies, all in alphabetical order. With the lousy internet service most of Iowa suffers, it's almost impossible to watch a movie.
Butch with our DVD's! |
The owner is retired, but loves movies & provides a great service to her community! Back at the hotel, goodies in hand, we settled in for a rare movie night!
We woke to a spectacular morning! Such a shame the weatherman had forecast rain. The American Legion as so much work to do, putting all the flags up & has to rely on the weather service to make the call.
I may be bias, but I think this is one of the most beautiful Courthouses in the state, maybe even in the entire Midwest. Impeccably maintained, as is the entire town square.
The Farm~ |
We left town & drove out to the "farm". The Century Farm owned for so many years by my Grandparents. The roads in the area are now under heavy use...
Wind turbines are being installed almost everywhere we looked :-( Personally - it makes me heartsick. To see the wide-open views I've admired since childhood destroyed by the big white monsters. Of course, as with so many things - money talks. Landowners are getting handsomely rewarded by Mid-American Energy.
My spirits were lifted when we arrived in Creston, by the beautiful scene below! What a magnificent way to commemorate Memorial Day~
Creston Fire~ |
We drove through a couple big rain storms, on our return west. We were both looking forward to picking Nika up. She'd spent the night with our friend Doris. Doris & Nika took a liking to each other last year, when I'd walk Nika over for an afternoon visit. (Doris had lost her long-time companion.) With a big beautiful, well fenced back yard - Doris is a "dog person". When we dropped Nika off, she wasn't in the least disturbed we were leaving. It was almost like dropping a kid a grandma's - when you know they'll be spoiled rotten!
Nika at the door~ |
Happy to see us, but really in no hurry to leave. Plenty of cookies - I'm sure - too. As a trial-run for when we go to WA this summer - it couldn't have gone better. I just hope
our companion still wants to
be our companion by the time we return!