March ~

Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Monday, April 27, 2020

Spring Xplosion!

Last week, when I thought I was done transplanting, my friend Clara called again!  All Thursday afternoon I spent digging & planting!   I sat up the sprinkler to water & the birds had an amazing time!  They flew through the water, stood in the sprinkling water & chirped about it!  If I hadn't been covered with dirt, I would have gone for the camera.
New Weigela showing pink blooms~
As the day ended, I was wishing for rain.  It's been so very dry.  By Friday, I'd planned to get my germaniums out of the house & into the ground, but Clara visited again, this time with ferns!
Newly transplanted wood fern!
I've missed ferns so much!  From being so thick, they were a groundcover in WA, they seem to be hard to find here.  As I was planting, dark clouds rolled over.  Rain!   It seems as though I've waited forever!
Chickadee in the timber~
Saturday, we drove to Malvern.  The Blooming Barn was open for business & they carry such a variety of bedding plants.  Over the past couple years, I've learned what works in the planters out front & found what I needed.   Next, a stop at Sherbondy's in Council Bluffs for bushes.  After moving two piles of wood debris Fri., I wanted shrubs to mark the path. Butch helped & by the time we were done, it was raining again!  Perfect timing.
Pink Sparkler Birchleaf Spirea
Sunday, we spent working at home.  Butch can get more done in a day, than I can in a week!  I took the germaniums out & made several starts for the gardens by the cabin.
Red Germanium 
They look a little weak, but last nights rain really helped.  I'll have leaves to cut off, but if they do as well as they did last year, I'll be happy.

This morning dawned sunny & bright!  It's hard to ignore nature this time of year.  Another big thunderstorm rolled through late last night - Nika wore her thunder shirt, but was still very distressed.
Ms. Quail has joined Mr. Quail
My challenge now, is differentiating between actual weeds & plants that may be considered a weed in a flower garden, but are a native of value in a woodland setting.
Out of the 100 daffodil bulbs I planted last fall, probably half have bloomed.  Even half have given me a good start on naturalizing the marsh.
The new tulips, have their buds & I'm looking forward to blooms!  At least with these, I planted twelve & have twelve flowers!
Honeysuckle down...
But - we do have neighbors...  This one can't do anything without a backhoe.  Yesterday, he decided to do some bulldozing along his side of the creek & left the above honeysuckle pushed down & into the creek...  If we get a heavy rain it will cause the water to back up & create more erosion on our side.  He has put large chunks of concrete along his side.
New glass signpost caps!
I had to do some searching to find a company that sells glass post caps.  When I called, Island Post Cap,  I was told that the blue I wanted was sitting on a ship sailing over from China.  (The factory had been closed due to the virus.)  They did have one green & red I wanted, ready to ship.  Today, the box arrived by UPS.  Even with great packaging, the red one, still in it's tight, reinforced box, was shattered.  I called John & he'll ship the replacement when the blue arrives.

Next, I have to find time to letter & paint the signs!  This time of year, actually any time of year, I can hardly be inside, it's so beautiful outside.  Plenty of projects & I love doing them.


  1. omg you have German ferns, not Washington sword ferns: ) I've been poisoning them cuz they are a plague here. I miss sword ferns.

    1. I miss them, but will take Any fern over bare earth!


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