Endurance develops strength of character in us~ Romans 5:4 NLT
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps~ Proverbs 16.9

Friday, April 30, 2021

A Different Bike?!

 I told myself I'd ride Speedy for a year, before making any bike changes.  It's been just over a year, Speedy has 673 miles!  That - even though I couldn't ride from Sept. until my first ride in March of this year.  I think I'm ready for more gears & a bike that can do hills.  I'd been looking for a while now & had a folder full of possible hybrid choices.

We were in Omaha, when Butch suggested;  "Lets go look at Trek."  I'd shown him photos of some of the bikes & he knew the top of the list was the Verve 3 Disc.  The store was almost empty of stock, only two Verve's & both where XL.  I decided to go ahead & order one, the wait would be 3 months.  When I called last Friday - to be sure the rear rack was ordered - the date had been pushed out to the end of Sept.

I'd joined the Facebook Verve group.  Someone mentioned looking out-of- state.  After on-line searching, I found a Trek dealer in Lawrence, KS who had a small frame & color I wanted!  Friday, I was on the road by 8 a.m. & driving south.

The drive down was beautiful.  The trees leafing out with bright green foliage.  Just for accents, the Rosebuds were in full bloom, standing out with their bright pink/purple against all the green.  

Trek Store - Lawrence, KS

I arrived just after 11 a.m. & my bike was already being assembled.  All the bikes on the lower right, were Verve's!  Lots of stock, but only one small & it left the store with me.  I hadn't even been able to try out the bike, but Trek gives customers 30-days to make a return.

Ready to head home~

In just over an hour, my bike was ready to go.  The salesperson was 6'2" & helped me secure the bike to the rack on the Explorer.  I stopped by Rumza for lunch before starting the drive back north.  It was 1 p.m. when I left & just after 3:30 when I reached Glenwood. (383-mile round-trip.) I drove over to Silver City to show Mari Jo the bike before going on home.  Butch would be late driving an activity.


For being a style I'm not used to, after almost nine-years of riding Electra Townies, I do think it's nice looking.  Butch gave it the once over Sat. morning & that resulted in a trip to the Omaha Trek dealer, my new bike with us...

The back fender rattled.  The bolt that was supposed to attach it to the frame, had been broken off.  The right-hand shift & break levers were mounted incorrectly.  Once the technician at Trek Omaha looked it over, they also found the disc breaks were improperly adjusted.  The bike spent the afternoon at the Dealer under repair.  When we returned to pick it  up, we were told they'd broken their "easy-out" tool, trying to remove the bolt.  They had to drill a new hole in the frame to mount the fender.

From the Dealer in Lawrence~
Neither of us were very happy with the service I'd received in Lawrence...  There's no excuse for damaging a new bike & not being upfront about it.  Improper installation?  Isn't that the business they're in?  When I received an email from Trek asking about my "experience" in Lawrence, I was honest.  We'll see what they do to "Make it Right".

Next - we'll see how this bike does on the trail!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Driving the Floater!

 It was a perfect day by my standards, for riding.  Overcast, cool, mid-60's & just a little wind from 10-15 mph.  Day's like these, remind me of WA.  I enjoy them - since we do only have a few.

Leaving Silver City~

Leaving Silver City, the clouds looked a little ominous.  With only a slight chance of rain, I really didn't think we'd get wet.  It was so beautiful, nature took a breather, after the heat earlier in the week.

Speedy by the Sweet Williams~
The Sweet William is now in full bloom, highlighted by all the emerging greens.
The return of the Greens!

As we closed in on Malvern, the trees were leafing out more than near Silver City.  Different varieties, the Walnuts take longer & I eagerly await their beautiful airy look.

I arrived at Agriland just a little after 3 p.m.  Butch showed me the latest repair projects, as we shared our coke.  Then...  He said;  "Do you want to drive the floater?"

It does fit in that "tiny" door!  View of Butch's shop~
What?  It's HUGE!  But it does have a jump seat, so I told him I would give it a try!  Wow!  The photo above was at the end of my drive.  We started out at the far side of the shop.  I had to back it up & make a tight turn to get out to the road.  Well...  It took up the Entire road!  No such thing as staying on your own side!  :-)
In the drivers seat!
I think I did OK!  Shifting wasn't as hard as I imagined, the pedals are the same as what a truck would be.  I couldn't get the seat quite forward enough - but still managed to steer!  We turned in the far driveway & I had to ask WAY in advance;  "Where do we go Now!"   It was Fun to drive!  Butch explained driving in rough fields was entirely different from driving on a smooth surface!

A way down!

Getting down, was interesting!  I have always loved to drive & over the years Butch has given me the opportunity to drive some cool equipment - but to date - the Terra Gator was the most fun!

Speedy at the Malvern Sign~
Speedy was just a little jealous :-) she seemed small when we left.  The clouds broke from time to time, for just a taste of sunshine.  We stopped on the bridge too & enjoyed watching the Cardinals singing from the trees.
Plowed fields~

Several farmers were working the fields.  It's been planting time for a while now, Agriland' s busiest time of year!  I have so much admiration for our Iowa Farmers!  They are hard-working & diligent caretakers of so many acres of farm land.  If you look at the statistic's in the link above, you'll be impressed!

Our ride was just over seventeen-miles.  I slowed down on the way back, but still finished within 1.8 mph of my top speed, on this stretch of trail last year!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Windy & HOT Ride!

 Still far from understanding of Iowa's weather - today we hit 90!  Monday's are Mari Jo's day off from her shop.  We'd been trying to get in a ride for a couple weeks!  Last Monday we had snow - today - blistering heat! 

Speedy ready to go!

Regardless, we Cowgirled Up & left south from Silver City.  The wind was gusting up to 25-mph & we rode right into it.  With the unaccustomed heat & strong winds, hot is the only word to describe it.  I love the shade on the trail, but we had very little today.  The trees have yet to leaf out!  Mari Jo kindly made a quick trip home, to get me sunscreen.  Time to add that to my pack.

Sweet William blooming!

 The flowers were wilting either from the last hard freeze, or the simmering heat.  Of course we talk & we peddle.  I'm sure our talking slows down our average speed!  :-)  Even so, our over all speed was up 2-mph from my first ride on the trail March 19th.  The March ride was 8.5 mi., today 12 mi.  

My knee & ankle were really stiff & sore.  I'd mowed in the woods yesterday & paid the price today.  I wanted to show Mari Jo where the blooming wildflowers were.  There were still a few left, in the more sheltered area's of the hillside.

Mari Jo's Hybrid bike & Speedy~

As we turned back, it was a relief to have the brunt of the wind at our backs!  Several riders had passed us going toward Silver City, on our way out.  More than I've seen on the trail this spring.  One, an electric bike, I've noticed before.  Of course, they make it look easy & I'm sure it is.

We were out a couple hours - I was ready to be done.  Cooler weather is forecast for later in the week, I'm already looking forward to it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

First 2021 - Point-to-Point Ride~

 It was cold, the wind was blowing, making it even colder.  The sun was shining, this was the day Butch could drop me off  at the start of the Wabash in Council Bluffs.  It would be a one way ride from there - to Agriland in Malvern - 22-miles.

12:20 p.m. On the trail, heading south~

I wore a thermal long sleeved shirt, my North Face Thermoball vest & Carhart jacket.  Once I was warmed up, I removed my vest.  Working up a sweat in the cold wind, was no fun.  Again, this section of the trail is always bittersweet.  It's the one section of the 62-mile length open to horses.  Farah & I rode it often.

Speedy, at the entrance to the horse trail~

A long & gradual climb for six-miles, to the bike party spot of Margaritaville.  Improvements are under way, I'm sure the two houses in the area are not happy about it.  The parties can get loud, I'm told.

1:15 p.m. Margaritaville~

There are picnic tables, a swing & the hitching posts are still there too.  Farah & I used this as our lunch spot.  We'd have to turn back - but with Speedy I continued on. What I like about it most - is on to Minneola - it's almost four-miles of downhill!  So very much fun!

Mineola in the distance~
A new bench was installed, I did stop again to take a few photo's.  It was far from the only stop I made, putting my jacket on, taking it off etc.  When the sun was out, I'd warm up, but when a big cloud came over, the temperature would take a nose dive.
2 p.m. At ten-miles~
Leaving this trail-head, I knew I'd have two-miles of uphill to the top of the long hill.  It was a grind...  I only stopped once & even tried first gear, but it felt like I was going nowhere.  Sweet relief to reach the summit.  Now, it would be 2-miles of downhill, with the last mile to Silver City concrete.
2:30 p.m. 14-miles.  Crossing the new bridge at Silver City!

I was happy to arrive - this would be my longest break.  Mari Jo was expecting me, she said something about "Crazy to ride in this cold & wind."  She thought I'd be turning back north, but I explained I was going on south & Butch had the bike rack.

3:27 - a short way out of Silver City~

I stayed longer than I should have, getting warm in the shop, felt so good!  I inhaled the few peanuts I'm brought along.  Now, I only had 1.5 hours to get to Agriland.  My directions to Butch were, if he didn't see me by 5, he was to pick me up in Silver City.  I knew he wouldn't be happy if he had to drive back to Malvern to get me!  My best time before my injury had been just under an hour, but I didn't want to take any chances.

Dutchman's Breeches~

The Dutchman's Breeches were still in bloom, but starting to fade.  I had to stop to get one more photo of them.  I made my best time of the ride on this eight-mile stretch.  First, I know it well & second, the wind was still at my back.

4:20 p.m. Malvern!

I couldn't believe I'd made it to Malvern in just under an hour!  I was proud of Speedy!  :-)  We headed on over to the shop.  It was so cold, the big doors were closed.  Just as I went to open the man door, it was opened by Butch!  He'd been coming out to see if I was close!

Thirty-minutes to spare!  Yippee!  We left for dinner at Tobey Jacks - yummy conclusion to a long day's ride.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Today vs. Yesterday!

 Well, today...  No one who enjoyed our day yesterday believed what the weatherman was trying to make us believe!  The local retailers who's just received orders of bedding plants, where in a mad scramble to find room for them under cover.

First season for the yellow Tulips~
Our high temperature reached 60 & with just a light breeze, it was our most stellar day to date. Blue skies with white fluffy clouds perfectly interspersed.
Second season for my reds~
Every year I say I'm not going to buy more plants.  This year, I wanted to visit new-to-me nurseries in Omaha.  They are always So inspiring!  So when I couldn't help but spot the beauty below...
Lemony Lace Elderberry~

We bought two, one for each side of the big cottonwood. They are so bright, we can easily see them from the back deck.
New plant stands~
I'd been looking for plant stands, something strong enough to hold decent sized pots.  I found these on-line at Home Depot.  After a successful day Saturday, shopping at the opening of the Blooming Barn, I wanted nothing more than to start potting!  Wisdom prevailed as I tucked my new bedding plants away either in the cabin, or craft room.   
The winds came!
I woke, in sometime in the middle of the night, to howling wind gusts.  From the west room, I could see the flags blowing due south.  The cold system from the north was moving in...
Monday, morning.  Snow flakes in the air~
This morning, the temperature was hovering just above freezing.  I put on my coat & went out to cover my germanium's - yet again...  I'd planted them two weeks ago now - too soon.  They were So ready to get out of pots & into the ground.  Butch had potted the full-sized plants last fall.  I'm going to take cuttings once they start growing again.  Now, they're just holding their own against the cold nights under plastic bags.

It has been cooler than normal, the flowering trees have stayed in full bloom for so long!  Sooner or later, spring will return & hopefully stay!  We're promised mid-60's by next weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ride into Spring~

 After a week of winds, today was both sunny & calm.  But chilly - very!  Mid-40's - even without much wind is deceptive when the sun shines!  I'd planned a ride to Agriland, but Butch called to say he was on the way to MO.  Not sure when he'd get back, I still wanted to ride my usual route.  Distance/difficulty - but not both at the same time.  It's not that the trail has steep hills, but they are long.

Happy First Birthday Speedy!

A year ago today, Speedy & I took our first ride on the trail.  I'd been out a few times before, but always with Butch.  That ride was only my second on my own.  The first was with Sunny, who Speedy replaced.

On our way
I continue to be in awe of the beauty of the countryside.  It's the quiet, the singing of the birds, the sounds of nature, so soothing to the soul.  The sound of water running over rock is rare in our corner of the state.
Speedy peeks over at the Beaver Dam~
There are a few places it can be heard - the Beaver Dam outflow, or the occasional area's where concrete was added for erosion control.
Phlox divaricate

I had to stop again, to admire the first bright colorful flowers of the season!  

Flowering Plum~
As I enjoyed the smooth concrete just north of Malvern, the smell of the flowering plum filled the air!  As sweet as any perfume.  Speedy insisted on another birthday photo! 

In town, I could see the big door of Butch's shop was closed, so I decided to take a break at the Malvern Depot.  Within a few minutes, I heard trucks coming down the road, the second one my husband was driving!  Good timing for my cold coke!
Speedy & the Floater~
I'd heard the term "floater" & now, can associate the term with the equipment!  Speedy, of course had to have her photo taken again!  

We didn't stay long, I'd broken this ride into two - on my Garmin.  I wanted to compare my ride south, to the same ride, back north.  My 310 XT, showed 8.43 miles & I had the same distance to return to the Bronco at Happy Trails
Mounds of Dutchman's Breeches!

When I spotted mounds of white, covering a hillside along the trail, I recognized the same little wild flowers who've made an appearance at home.  I couldn't believe I'd missed them on way south!  I like to think I see everything, but I don't.  I still spook when something comes from my right.

Silver Creek~
By the time I was back at the Trestle, the clouds were rolling in again.  I'd taken both my vest & light weight jacket, but had worked hard enough I hadn't worn either for very long.  I really like the new rear bike rack Raymace pannier bag!  It has a place for my water bottle, is insulated & has tie downs on top for my jacket.

I'd just loaded Speedy onto the Bronco, when Butch pulled in.  We walked across the street, to The Hood for dinner.  After 17-miles, I was starved.  I'm still trying to find the sweet spot between doing & overdoing.  This week was a bit easier - I had just the tiniest more bend in the knee & ankle.  My  average moving speed was up by another 1-mph.  Small gains!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Two Completions!

 Best day of the week, we'd had quite a bit of rain yesterday & some overnight.  Butch checked the trail for me in Malvern & called to say it was rideable.  After lunch, I drove to Silver City.  Mari Jo was outside her shop.  The construction foreman had just opened the new bridge!  She grabbed her bike & we went right up to the trail!  Mari Jo - fittingly - was first across, followed by me & Speedy!

First riders on the new bridge!
We felt pretty special to be the first!  (All those cookies for the crew paid off :-)  The original bridge had been over one-hundred years old.  This one should last forever...  Mari Jo has her shop open now.  I left town from the south end.  On my own for the first time - since early last Sept.
Leaving Silver City, southbound~
The buds are starting to open on the trees!  A beautiful lacy, light green.  I felt SO good to be back out in the great-wide open!  Everything so beautiful, the air fresh from the rain.  A Bald Eagle had flown over me on my way here & a huge hawk took to the air.
The wild plums are blooming!
I was torn between seeing how fast I could make the trip & stopping to admire the beauty. I made plenty of stops! It was just too nice of an afternoon, not to take the time to enjoy the sights & sounds.
Speedy - now a year old!
Just short of a year from the first time we were at the trestle.  Even with my knee & ankle still swollen & sore, I'm in much better shape now than I was then - when I'd just started biking.  The train cars in the river I'd commented on in last years post - I've recently been told - was from an actual train wreck.  
Near the river!
Only four-miles to go & the last one on the concrete.  Speedy set her own pace & we were still going to be at Agriland within the time window I'd told Butch to expect me.
Agriland from the trail.  Butch's shop far left, red roof~
The trail was sticky - but Speedy's tires didn't sink in.  It looked like Malvern had even more rain than in Glenwood.  I didn't take any photos during my visit.  Butch took some when I arrived.  I'll have to see if I can find them on his overloaded phone.

Our first shared Coke of the season, tasted So good!  I stopped by the office to say "Hi" to April.  I'd had so much fun riding - I decided to go ahead, cowgirl Up & ride another eight-miles back to Silver City.  
Changing weather & the pond~
I wasn't a mile out of town, before I realized I'd probably made a poor decision.  The temperature had dropped & the wind had really come up.  Blowing right at me, out of the North, NW, the same direction I was trying to go.  I dropped down to second gear & had to work for every rotation of the pedals.  When I tried to coast, the wind almost pushed Speedy backward.
Mid-span of the Silver Creek Trestle~
I only made a couple short stops.  I knew if I stopped for too long, my leg would stiffen up & it would be even harder going.  As I reached the edge of Silver City, I saw Butch's truck come down the street & park by the shop.  He jumped out & took more photos.  If they turn out - I'll post them later.  Mari Jo was waiting too.  I got the "look"!  :-)

Butch helped me gimp up the short hill to the trail, so we could admire the bridge.  It's unbelievable the resources it takes - for what looks to be - a simple project.  The huge crane, a huge excavator, several other track hoe's etc.  All that's left now, is the remaining dirt work & clean-up.

It's really a beautiful bridge.  I love the rust color & it will only look better with time.

From the north end, looking south~
As I was riding back, I was thinking about how very good smoked brisket sounded for dinner.  When I mentioned it to Mari Jo she laughed & responded that The Hood was serving smoked brisket!  A perfect end to a milestone ride.  My overall speed went up 1.2 mph, but is still 2-3 mph slower than my best time from last year.  Thanks for a wonderful 17.10 miles Speedy! 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 A sunny day!  Very little wind!  The only day in the next several without 20-30 mph winds forecast.  Last night our temperatures dropped into the mid-teens.  Just to remind us, too early to put out plants!

I'd planned to ride to Agriland/Malvern to visit Butch & maybe ride back?!   But - Butch had an activity to drive & would be gone all day.  When I mentioned my plan to Mari Jo, she said something to the effect that maybe I should bite off a slightly shorter length of trail, before taking on 16-miles.  We decided on a round-trip to the underpass at Hwy 34.  This would be four-miles longer than I'd ridden to date.  

On the Wabash - our bikes wait~
It was Cold!  Maybe mid-40's but enough wind to drop the feels like several degrees.  Insulated pants & layers.  I mentioned to Mari Jo, I've been used to having a 1,000 lb. heater under me :-)
Speedy & me on the Silver Creek Trestle~

The arch of my left foot, wants to rest on the peddle, rather than the ball.  Using the ball of my foot, brings my knee further up & it's very uncomfortable.  That's what happened on the long hill grade Sunday.  I decided to just let it be & try to use the foot correctly at least part of the time.

Mari Jo, on the Malvern side of the underpass~

It was sweet to turn back north, it put the cold wind from the south to our backs.  I took an extra break, but finished!  A twelve-mile round-trip, now under Speedy's tires!  Next - four-more for the Agriland round-trip!  Our weather has been all over the place, so we'll see when the next window of opportunity will be.

The bridge in place!
It was almost five when we returned.  Mari Jo left for home - a whole two-blocks :-)  I walked up onto the concrete to see the new bridge!  
There's still a lot of back-fill & finish work to be done.  The deck will be concrete.
The Bronco & Speedy, ready to leave town~
Tomorrow is the opening of Happy Trails!  The trail should see a lot of use over the Easter holiday, even with the bridge still closed.

My little walk over to see the bridge, was probably a good idea.  I was gimping quite a bit.  The good news though - when I looked at my Garmin stats.  My average moving speed, since the 19th, has increased by 1.5 mph.  It's motivating to see improvement!